Part 4

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My hand came crashing down onto my annoying alarm clock, breaking it in pieces. "Damn it, now I gotta buy another one." I grumbled as I got up and stretched.

Today was the day I get to work for that big pain in the ass, Fatgum. I groaned at the mere thought of having to be around him ALL DAY. I mean who in there right mind would wanna be around him all day?

I sluggishly made my way into the bathroom to get ready. I had put on a disguise or else he'd probably throw me in the slammer first chance he got and that shit definitely ain't happenin.

As I was in the middle of doing my makeup I get a call and secretly prayed it wasn't that large oof checkin in on me. I took a quick glance at my phone and gave a sigh of relief as I saw the name pop up.

"Whats up Bunny Boy?" I asked grinning as I continued applying my makeup.
"Not Much, Whatchu up to Trouble?" He snickered.

"For your information, I was in the middle of putting on my disguise for my new job in hell, so if ya don't mind, I'd like ta get back to that" I said rolling my eyes as I started putting on the finishing touches.

"Gotta look your best for that big ole Bear Boy~" He said winking at me, grinning his signature grin as I shot him a piercing glare.

"Oh don't MAKE me come over there! I already gotta deal with one pain in the ass today, but I'm willin ta make a quick stop by ta beat your ass if ya want it that bad." I threatened, glaring at my phone.

"Yeah yeah I know!" He said laughing, "No need to swing by, I'll just leave ya to it then.
Good Luck out there Soldier!" After saluting me, he hung up before I could reply. Probably for the best.

Oooooh that bunny is gonna get it one of these days.
After my makeup and contacts were done I went to my closet to find a good outfit to wear with the wig I had recently bought. I had a few outfits laid out already but I wasn't really vibing with any of them at the moment.

I threw a few more together and had finally settled on a somewhat decent one. It was one that I could wear that made me look like a professional and yet casual at the same time. A real attention grabber if ya know what I mean.

I walked to the full length mirror and took a good look to see if I needed to add anything. Everything was lookin good, now all I had to do was to settle on a pair of matching shoes. I rummaged through the pile of heels, shoes, and boots. I decided to wear my favorite pair of chunky heeled boots.

I wasn't gonna lie, I actually looked pretty damn good. Too bad the only one seeing this little number is gonna be the party killer himself. I sighed, grabbed my things and headed out. On my way to the Agency, I noticed how many times people had glanced at me and whispered to one another. I was starting to think I had forgotten to zip up a zipper or something. So I stopped in front of a window to look myself over.

As I was busy doin that some perv had walked up and tried to grab my ass while I was turned around. "Back Off" I said sternly and turned around. Not gonna lie, I underestimated the guy behind me.

He was a lot bigger than me and looked like the type of guy you'd find in one of those biker bars. I tried to continue walking but he blocked me with his arm. "Where ya goin Toots? I ain't done playin round with ya just yet~" He sneered, leanin in real close and sniffin my neck. I rolled my eyes and stiffled a laugh. This guy had no idea who he's messin with.

Guys like him just piss me off. Just as I was about to blast his ass into next week, a familiar, yet, annoying voice rang out. "Back away from them right now and I might just let you go." I peeked over the man's shoulder and sure enough, it was the man I'd rather avoid. FatGum.

Damn, there goes my nice peaceful walk to the office. Guess I'll just have ta let it play out and beat the piss outta him later. While he was focused on that Fat ass I slipped outta the way and stood off to the side.

"Ha! Like Hell you will! Now where wer-" when he turned back and noticed I wasn't there, he turned around looking for me.

"Oh, Is that right now?" The Fat man got into this Sumo wrestler pose and smiled. "Let's just see what happens if I rush you." He ran and jumped at the guy landing right on top of him.

Haha. Serves him right for harassin me, hope he blacks out.

(Time Skip)

After the police had taken the man away Fatgum turned to me smiling that stupid goofy smile. "You alright? Saw that man creepin and thought I'd help ya out if he did anything." He said, then his face lit up. "Say, are you the one that signed up to be my assistant at the office?"

I would normally roll my eyes and say 'Noooo, must be some other short chick with my exact same looks' But since this situation is a bit different, I gotta respond in a 'not so me' personality.

"Omg Yeah! Thank you so so much for getting rid of the horrible man! I couldn't even imagine what could've happened if you hadn't shown up." I said in the most peppy voice I could manage, what a pain.

He looked a bit taken a back as he rubbed the back of his neck and blushed a little. "Happy ta have ya! I'll walk with ya the rest of the way, just ta make sure you'll be safe." He smiled and started walking.

Greaaaaaat, just what I wanted to do. As we were walking we kept gettin stared at and it was starting to piss me off so I tugged on his hood to get his attention. "Hey do think you could like, look me over? People keep starring at me and I wanna make sure I zipped everything up."

He just smiled and waved it off as he said, "I'm pretty sure their only looking cause your walking around with a Pro Hero."

Well that didn't work, normally guys get all blushy and freak out if a girl asks them to look her body over but he didn't even bat an eye. This is gonna be harder than I thought.

(Sorry I took so long to write this chapter I was feeling pretty unmotivated but I hope you all enjoy this chapter. The next shall be about their Office Adventures.)

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