Part 3

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"Damn it! I haven't beaten you once in the past 20 games! How are you THIS good???" Kashi asked dropping his remote in defeat.

"Years of Practice my good man." I said chuckling as I turned the system off. "You know what that means!"

"Oh no come on man! Don't do me like this! I'm your bestest friend ever!" He begged watching me get up to stretch.

"To bad man! A deals a deal! No weird room for you! I said laughing as I checked the time. "Aw shit I'm late!"

I quickly bolted up the stairs to get ready for my nightly outing. It was one of my absolute favorite times to go round and mess with some unsuspecting people.

"Don't get into too much trouble tonight, ok? I can only deal with so much at a time, so call me if you ABSOLUTELY have to. Got it?" Kashi asked, waiting for an answer before heading out.

"Yeah yeah I got it!" I said rolling my eyes as I walked out in my outfit, ready to cause some trouble.

He rolled his eyes at me and ruffled my hair. "Later Loser!" He said sticking his tongue out and flipping me off.

I laughed and did the same, shutting the door behind him. I had a few others things to deal with first before I head out for the night. I head back up stairs to the bathroom to put my colored contacts, style my hair, and throw on my mask just so that I'm not so easily recognizable in public.

I head back down and swing into the kitchen to grab a quick snack, some cash, and a few other things before headin out.

I take the roof cause that's what badasses do, apparently, and make my way towards the food court hoping to run into a certain annoying hero.

It was just a few buildings later and I was met with the sweet familiar smell of the food court. I made sure to scope out the area before dropping down into a nearby alley. Of course Fatass and his two "kids" were with him, patrolling as per usual, so there's that to worry about.

I dropped down and hid, a few minutes later I saw a group of local thugs walk by. They definitely look like they're up to somethin. Good, that's just the distraction I needed.

I come out of the shadows and peek round the corner to see them yelling at some older fellow.

"Watch were your goin old man!" One of the guys shout as they shove the old man outta their way.

"Hey Man! That's not very manly of you!" A voice shouts from behind. I whip around to see the trio standing a few feet away from me.

I hurry up and blend into the now forming crowd as the thugs take a stand. The Leader steps forward and laughs. "Oh yeah? So what! He was in our way, he needed to know his place."

"Hope you didn't have a reservation, cause your nights booked!" Fatass said starting the battle.

While that was happening and everyone was busy watching, I took the opportunity to start robbing food carts that the owners weren't paying attention to.

Good thing I had grabbed a bag before headin out or else I wouldn't have gotten half as much loot. As I was busy stuffin it with money, jewelry, food, etc. Little did I know someone was creepin up on me.

Just as I was about to turn tail and run I felt a firm, yet familiar hand on my shoulder.

"And where do you think You're goin?" The familiar voice rang out, making me chuckle.

"Well well well, if it isn't my old pal Fatass. What gives me the pleasure of runnin into your sorry ass tonight?" I asked grinning as I turned to met him face to face.

Fatgum rolled his eyes and chuckled, "Of course ya came up with some ridiculous nickname for me. Now then, how about you hand over that there bag and I'll let you go for tonight?" He held out his hand, smiling like an idiot as he waites for my bag.

"Oh don't make me laugh Big Guy! As much as I loved ta hand this here bag over and clear my name, we both know it ain't happenin. Soooo I'll catch ya on the flip side, peace!" I held up a peace sign as I blasted my way up onto a nearby building and started walkin back.

"Nice try but you'll have to try harder than that ta get away from me!" He yelled from behind.

I didn't even turn around to check it out before bolting as fast as I could go, jumping from each building in a pretty quick manner. I could still hear their footsteps getting closer so I did the only thing I could think of, I flipped the oxygen on from my tanks and started to reduce oxygen levels around me making it harder for them to run.

Just as I thought, their footsteps started to slow down and come to a stop as they dropped to their knees, trying to catch their breath.

The difference between a Villian and myself is that I DON'T kill people for fun.

After I knew I was safe, I raised the oxygen levels back to normal and sent a compressed air blast back their way, just to make sure they couldn't keep chasing me. I decided to drop down and blend in with the busy night traffic so it'd be harder to follow me.

When I was in the clear i headed back to my place.

Once I made it to my door, I swung the door open and tossed the bag on to the couch. I closed and locked the door behind me before headin up to my room for the night.

After gettin into some comfy pjs, I hopped into bed and got on my phone to let Kashi know I had made it back to my place.

'Sup moron! 😛 Just lettin ya know I made it back to my place in one piece!' I grinned as I pushed send and waited for a response.

A few minutes pass when I had finally received a text back.

'Lol of course you didn't get caught you slippery bitch!💦 What'd ya do? Give the big fatty a kiss kiss??? 😘😜😏' I facepalmed and shook my head.

Why does he think I'd EVER kiss that big mouth bass? I DOUBT that man's ever gotten a kiss kiss before, let alone been on a date.

I rolled my eyes before replying. 'EWWWW NO!!! 😷 I just blasted his ass back to last year 😀' I hit send and receive a message back pretty quickly.

'You know you want some sugar from the big guy~ 😜 lol Side note, you should probably get some sleep if you want that little plan of yours to work.' I rolled my eyes and typed up a quick response.

'Suuuuuuuuure, but you right I should probably hit the hay now, don't wanna fuck this up LOL. 😂 Night Bunny Boy! 🐰💤' I hit send, putting my phone on my night stand and switched off my light before passing out.

(One New Message)


'So sorry for texting you so late, but I just wanted to welcome you to my Hero Agency! You'll make a great assistant! See you tomorrow! - Pro Hero Fatgum'

(((Sorry it's been WAY too long but here's the chapter you all have been waiting on! Fatgum will be the main focus in the chapters to come! So don't worry y'all be cuddlin with em soon! Till the Next one!!! ~💖)))

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