Part 2

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The walk to the ice cream parlor was actually quite pleasant, with birds chirping, cars honking, people talking, and the occasional bike crash, that I may or may not have caused, it was perfect.

Just as we were about to enter, someone burst out of the doors nearly knocking me over.

"HEY! Watch where yer goin there bud!" I shouted, sending a barely noticeable air blast to the back of his legs, sending him flying onto his back. He looked panicked and dropped whatever he had been carrying and took off.

I rolled my eyes and was about to step inside before I finally noticed what he had dropped. It was a bag full of money, now realising this guy just tried robbing my favorite ice cream parlor, I felt pretty proud of myself. As I went to pick up the money Kashi stopped me.

"I'm going after that guy, I promise I won't take too long, go ahead and order without me. Make sure you give that money back to the store owner. Oh, and make sure you get me my favorite." He said grinning before taking off like a bullet.

I rolled my eyes and shrug, picking up the bag and walk inside. There was a lot of commotion about Kashi, people were gossiping about seeing him in action and how attractive he was. I just grinned and tossed the bag up onto the counter.

"Y'all shouldn't be givin away your money like that so easily, at least make it a challenge." I joke as they stare in shock.

"Am I allowed to order or you just gonna keep starin at me?" I asked starting to get slightly annoyed.

They nodded and apologized for staring, explaining that they've never had anyone stop that robber before because of his disguise quirk. He's able to disguise himself as anyone that he bumps into. Just as they finished talking about him, Kashi walks in.

"You order yet or do I have to order For you?" He asked chuckling. I rolled my eyes and shook my head.

"Like hell your orderin for me! I'd like a double scoop of (F/IC)." I said beating him to it. He just rolled his eyes and chuckled.

"And I'd like a scoop of mint chip in a waffle cone please." He said politely and reached for his wallet getting stopped by the lady at the counter.

"Don't worry about paying sir! It's on the house. You DID just save our business so it's the least we can do to thank you." They gave a friendly smile as they went to wip up our orders.

"Hell yeah man! Free ice cream just for knockin a guy on his ass is totally worth it!" I said starting to get some ideas about how to get free meals when I felt a hand hit the back of my head. I narrow my eyes at Kashi as he had just struck the back of my head.

"Get that outta your head. Ya ain't goin round gettin free shit like that." He said scolding me like a parent scolds their child. I just rolled my eyes and grinned as I was handed my ice cream.

He sighed and smiled as he was handed his which had a couple extra scoops. He raised a brow and the lady just blushed and said she thought he wouldn't mind the extra scoops. He shrugged it off and thanked her anyways.

"So what'd ya do with that guy?" I asked as we walked out, making our way back to my place.

"Took em to the slammer, what'd you wanna know that for?" He asked curiously as he took a bite of his ice cream.

"That lady in there told me the guy had a disguise quirk. Whoever he touches he can look like for a while, so I'm hoping the guy didn't touch you or else he'll be able to get outta there pretty easily." I said spacing out a little as I enjoyed my ice cream.

"So that's why when I followed his scent it led to a different person each time." He said thinking hard about if the guy was ever able to make any contact with his skin.

"Let's hurry up and get back to my place already so we can play some Super Smash Brothers before I go out for the night." I said picking up my speed.

Didn't take long till we had left for my place. I couldn't wait to beat him in Super Smash Bros. Not ta brag but I was pretty much a pro at this point.

While we were walking Kashi grinned widely and bumped me with his elbow, pointing to one of the food stands. I rolled my eyes and glanced over. As soon as I saw what he was pointing to I picked up the pace and rounded the corner.

"SERIOUSLY DUDE?!?" I huffed angrily, "You TRYIN ta get me caught???"

He just laughed shrugging, "Now why would I do that? Besides, I'm sure if he woulda seen you he would of assumed you were just another fan or somethin."

I sigh and rub the back of my neck. "Yeah, your probably right. Still, I don't need Fatass gettin in my way again."

"I still think you guys would make a cute couple." Kashi said grinning widely as I pushed him.

The rest of the way to my place was pretty uneventful. Nothing really happens in my part of town since word got out there was some pretty powerful people living here. A rumor that may have been spread by a certain someone but we're gettin off topic.

"Welcome to my Evil Lair! Come in, if you dare!" I announce as I unlock the door and swing it open. Laughing I walk in first and flip on the lights.

My house was pretty clean and simple. Nothing really stands out when you walk in except for a couple paintings I had made and hung up to make it more original.

"What do ya think? Pretty impressive right?" I ask grinning and waiting for his answer as he walked in, shutting the door behind him.

"Dude, your place is SUPER boring. Don't you collect anything or like any weird decorations?" He asked confused looking around.

I rolled my eyes and walked into the living room to set up my game system.

"Seriously? My house is Boring to you?" I asked as I watched him drop onto the couch.

"Uh, YEAH. From what I remembered, you use to collect all kinds of weird shit and put it on display in your room." He said thinking about when we were kids.

"Dude, a majority of the stuff I had collected was trash! Besides, the stuff I DID keep I put in its own room." I said throwing him a remote as I sat next to him.

"You KNOW your gonna have to show me that room, right?" He said grinning wondering what kind of oddities I had stashed away.

"Hm. The only way I'll let you see that room is if you can best me in combat! Virtual Combat!" I said starting the game.

"Oh you're SO on!" He said grinning as the game began.


(Thank you guys for being so patient! I made this chapter a bit longer than the last one but I hope you like it just as much. Also, In the next chapter we'll be running into our favorite boy FATGUM!)


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