💜Part Three💜

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"I don't know if it'll work for you, because I've never allowed anyone else touch it..." Nina continued. "But when I first connected it, one of the rules did mention that it can only be awakened once for each generation of a bloodline," she quoted the exact words. "I guess what it means is that...Aaron and I only had one chance, and luckily we used it together. Had I done it alone, he might never have been able to see what I saw, and he certainly wouldn't have believed me," she bit her lip. "My parents might have a chance at activating it, because they're from a different generation...but I still don't even know if it's real," she grimaced.

"All we know is that we saw what we saw...and if it works the way Nina thinks, then you might have a chance," Aaron chimed in. "A chance to meet the man you love. Can you imagine it?"

"There's just one thing though, that I have to mention...you can't bring anything back with you. Any memorabilia will be turned into ash even if you tried," Nina cut in. "I can say that because I tried to bring back an autograph, but failed," she huffed.

But you still couldn't believe it. Without proof, you couldn't have been sure that they were being serious. It could possibly have been just an elaborate joke.

"Look," you began after a long moment. "I...appreciate...whatever this is," you gestured openly. "But I'm afraid I...can't believe it," your shoulders sank. "I think we've wasted enough of each other's-"

"That's fine, you don't need to believe me, or my brother," Nina fished out a folded piece of paper from the pocket of her skirt. "But I'll leave the box here, and this paper - it has everything you might need to know written down," she slowly got to her feet, making her brother do the same. "You'll just need a cable to connect it to your computer, and the things I've written down will tell you the rest," she picked up her bag, giving her brother his cue to escort her out.

You remained silent as they walked toward the exit, but before they left completely - Aaron looked back at you one last time.

"Just see it for yourself, (Y/N) - trust me,"

⋆ ・ ⠄⠂⋆ ・ ⠄⠂⋆ ・

After leaving the cafe, you had decided to head straight back to your apartment, still bothered by what had unfolded with Nina and Aaron. In the end, you had wound up taking both the box and the piece of paper with you, even though you had momentarily contemplated just leaving it there. Of course, you couldn't do it when you remembered that the box was very special to Nina.

You had taken the bus home, and for the entire duration of the thirty minute ride, you had been able to think of nothing but the revelations that Nina and Aaron had made. There was nothing logical about it, but the more you had thought about it, the more you had begun to understand how it could have made sense - but that was a bit of a stretch.

Barging into your apartment, you dropped your books onto the nearby display table whilst letting your bag fall to the floor. In the blink of an eye, you had slammed the door shut and locked it - wanting nothing more than to just be alone for the rest of the already hectic day.

For a few seconds, you leaned against the door, breathing steadily and trying fo focus on the patterns of each breath you regulated. As you felt yourself calm down slightly, your eyes darted about the room lazily before they inevitably landed on the black box that you had dropped onto the table with the rest of your books. Next to it, the half opened piece of paper, that Nina had given you, sat close - as if telling you to find the magic yourself.

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