💜Part Six💜

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A few hours had passed, and so far, Mike's company had been nothing but pure joy. He took you to a few spots that you enjoyed observing, a few of them being the most popular park in the area, a quaint store that sold beautiful antiques, and a jewelry shop that specialized in original creations. It was as if he knew which places would truly take your breath away, and the more you talked with him, the more relaxed you felt. With him, you could have easily forgotten that all the excitement would end at midnight.

Of course, you would have been lying if you had said that there hadn't been a few suspicious moments, where you could have sworn you'd seen a few men in suits following the both of you wherever you went - but you could never turn around fast enough to see them properly. They always disappeared quickly enough to make you blame your imagination.

Regardless, you had to admit that you felt safe with Mike, and he had easily become the best part of your experience.

At present moment, the two of you were walking along the path of a more obsecure part of the area, a little further from the main part of the city - a place that was more of a park environment more than it was a commercial one.

"You know, it's only been a few hours, but I feel like I've had some of the best times of my life..." you trailed off as you walked beside him. "And for someone I've only just met, you've been incredibly kind to me...so I just...I just want to thank you," you looked up at him to see that he was smiling softly at you. "I mean it. I wish there was something I could do to repay your kindness,"

He chuckled, shaking his head. "You did me great kindness by allowing me to spend time with you, even though I could very well have been a serial killer," he raised an eyebrow as your face flushed slightly. "Don't think I didn't notice how unsure you were when I expressed my interest at the record store," he teased. "But if you're truly set on repaying me, then perhaps you can finally tell me where you're from," he hinted. "Because I'm curious,"

"Ah," you gulped, your heart missing a beat. "That's.....something....I....can't really tell you, or anyone for that matter, trust me it has nothing to do with not trusting you, because I trust you a great deal for someone that I've only just met," you rambled. "But..all I can tell you is that I'll...only be here until midnight,"

"Well I suppose I feel satisfied with you at least giving me some sort of answer, even though I don't completely understand it," he nodded as you let out an airy chuckle. "You know, we've only just met...but I feel I've known you for the longest time," he reflected. "This is going to sound insane, but after these few hours, I genuinely feel like I could fall in love with you, or someone like you - if that makes it sound less creepy," he grimaced.

Finding the humour and sincerity in his words, you shrugged with a bit of a smirk forming on your lips. "I'm going to take it a step up and say that I've probably already fallen in love with you,"

The two of you erupted into laughter, both shaking your heads at the way you seemed to connect on every level there was - even knowing what sort of humour you were inclined toward.

What would have been an awkward situation for anyone else was the perfect day spent for the two of you.

It was safe to say that you had pretty much forgotten that none of it was supposed to be real. Perhaps that was what made it all the more dreamy, the unrealistic aspect of it all.

"You know...since you've only got until midnight, we should...do something crazy, and have a real date with the time that we have left..." he studied you with an uncertain look, hoping that you wouldn't be too uncomfortable. "You'd be doing me another favour by letting me take you on as much of a date as two strangers like us can have,"

Your thoughts quickly flashed back to what you had initially been given the box for, your mind recalling what you should have been in this alternate dimension for - and though you felt a little saddened at the thought of not getting to meet the man you had always wanted to meet, you couldn't pass up the opportunity to spend the better bits of your granted time with the stranger you'd bonded with so well.

If only you'd known.

"If you're afraid I'll say no, you don't need to be," you responded after a few seconds of thoughtful silence. "I actually can't imagine a better way to spend the next few hours of my time here, so my answer is yes,"

That signature sparkle in his eyes grew brighter as you saw him struggle to hold back a joyful giggle, evoking a sense of happiness within your own senses.

"So..." you placed your hands behind your back, bouncing on your feet slightly as you focused on him thoughtfully. "What did you have in mind?"

He permitted you the sight of a rather flirtatious smirk, his deep eyes still glistening with interest and excitement.

"Something classic,"

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