💜Part Nine💜

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As the last few minutes of the night drew nearer to twelve, both you and Michael walked along the empty night path, making your way up to the alleyway with his bodyguards remaining at a far enough distance to allow the pair of you a bit of privacy. You held hands as you walked in silence, a bittersweet sense of bliss in the air, both happy and sad at the same time. It was delightful because you got the chance to spend every moment with each other, but sad because this chance would never come again.

Your footsteps echoed on the slightly wet ground, the gravel clashing with every movement of your feet - producing a notable, yet faint sound.

Once you entered the alleyway, Michael stopped, making you stop as well. After a moment, you turned around to see that he had his gaze down at the ground, his resolve to hide his dismay weakening out of his control.

With a sad smile of your own, you moved closer to him, urging him to look up again.

"Hey, I thought we agreed that we wouldn't have the dramatics," you raised an eyebrow playfully, hinting at something he had mentioned earlier on. "You were the one that told me this wouldn't be a sad affair," you teased softly.

He looked back up at you with a giggle that he couldn't control, encouraging you to giggle as well.

"If there's anything I've learnt about you today, it's that you know how to make someone smile, even when they're incredibly troubled," he remarked gently. "There really is an inner glow about you,"

You laughed again, remembering how he had used that very line when he had first bumped into you.

"Do you use that line with every girl you bump into?" you tilted your head slightly, making him roll his eyes.

"No, you are definitely the first...and perhaps the last," his expression fell again. "I know we've...only spent a day together...but I hope you never forget that...I will always remember you," he sighed. "How could I possibly forget something as perfect as this," he intertwined his fingers with yours. "This will always be my most vivid memory. I just hope you won't ever forget me,"

"Oh please, don't even think about that," you shook your head. "This will...not only be my most vivid memory until the last of my days, this will also be the very thing that changes my whole life," you chuckled. "That's exactly what Aaron mentioned...that it would change my whole life,"

"(Y/N)...I just want you to know...that...what...happened between you and I...has never happened with anyone else before. The way I was drawn toward you....and what we had, even if it was just for a day, it....it is the first," he bit his lip. "If anyone else ever does get the chance to travel here from your world...it will never be what it was with you. Just...know that," he nodded.

"Just as long as you always remember that I love you, and I can say that confidently," you felt your eyes tearing up a little. "I loved you back then, and now...now I think I can truly say that I love you even more,"

"Then I love you even more," he smiled. "If you had loved me that much, even when we had never met...then I can definitely say my heart bears the same love for you," he took in a deep breath. "Wow, saying those words have never sounded so serious until now," he couldn't contain a snicker.

The both of you shared another laugh before you glanced at your wrist watch, realizing that it was ever so close to midnight.

You let out a breath, silently informing him that it was nearly time to go.

"Wait," he grabbed your hand just as you turned to leave, making you look back at him with wide eyes. "When you return....this will all be nothing but a memory....so I...want to give you something, a part of me that you can hopefully keep with you once you go back," he reached into the pocket of his jacket, pulling out a small organza bag that held a delicate, beautiful chain inside of it. The heart pendant was petite, and the jewels that beautified it were unmistakably from the expensive jewelry store he had taken you to see earlier.

It looked as though it had been crafted just for you.

"It is said that you cannot take anything back...but I hope something about this will be different enough to stay intact...so that at least with this pendant, you'll have me forever," he handed it to you carefully.

"Oh...Michael, it's..." you did everything you could to stop yourself from crying like a baby. "It's...beautiful," you moved closer, throwing all caution to the wind as you kissed him.

Without hesitation, he returned the kiss, his hands grabbing your waist as he tried to savour the one moment that would end all too soon.

"I'll take this with me, and if it remains intact, I promise I'll keep it forever, until I die," you whispered, laughing a little at the end. "But...I should wish to give you a token as well. It's not as priceless as what you've given me..." you trailed off as you undid the clasp of your wrist watch, handing it to him. "That's the only thing I have on me that I can give you, but it is very significant nevertheless. After all, the watch is a reminder of the time we spent together, even if it was just for a day," you gave him one last smile. "I hope it stays intact as well,"

For the last time, you both shared a giggle as you walked over to the very spot that you had first arrived in, angling yourself to face him.

"Goodbye, (Y/N)," he spoke as you heard the sound of your watch hand strike twelve.

"Goodbye, Michael," you whispered back as everything slowly began to fade around you, the only clear sight being Michael himself.

"I love you,"

"I love you more," you laughed softly, closing your eyes as you heard the last of his voice before you collapsed entirely.

"I love you most,"

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