💜Part Eight💜

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Michael had convinced you to trust him enough to take you right back to that predominantly isolated park that the two of you had visited not too long before you realized whom he was. This time, however, you had traveled in a private vehicle, one that you later learned had been close by the whole time - something that you had been absolutely oblivious to until present moment. It was strange how quickly things had changed, but you couldn't say that you were surprised anymore. At that point, nothing seemed to faze you, even the fact that you were in the direct presence of a man that you had once only ever dreamed of meeting.

Quite frankly, he wasn't exactly the man that you once dreamed of meeting anymore, but only because your desires back then had merely been based on what you'd heard and seen - not on a solid, drawn-out encounter. Of course, he was everything you would have wanted him to be, but now he was a lot closer to you than you had ever expected him to be - both physically and emotionally.

And now, you were standing right in front of him, his disguise removed, and the suited men - for lack of a better term - not required to keep a low profile anymore.

It was a very good thing that there really wasn't anyone else around aside from present company, but it wasn't like you noticed that factor too much. All you were mainly focused on, now, was Michael.

The longer you stared at him, the more you began to wonder how you couldn't have seen through the disguise. In retrospect, you believed you should have seen through it the moment you set eyes on him. The fact that his previously given name had been coincidentally close to his better known title also made you feel a whole lot more stupid.

Yet you believed that Mike had been a completely different person, and now you needed to get your emotions in order. The problem was that you had somehow grown to care for the Mike you had only just met, in a personal way - and now that you were faced with the reality that your idol and Mike were the same person, you were left a little overwhelmed. Up until now, the two had been compartmentalized, your feelings for each contrasting greatly - one was someone you looked up to, and one was someone you wouldn't have minded holding.

And now they were the same.

"Listen , (Y/N), I..." Michael began, taking a step closer to you.

By now, the afternoon was slowly coming to an end, and the bright sky was carefully fading into darker shades with each passing interval. The winds started to pick up a little, setting the tone for the moment.

"I walked into that store with the intention of meeting you, yes, but what was I supposed to do? You only have until midnight, which means I only had until midnight to make conta-"

"Hold on," your eyes went wide. "You...know?" you stared at him, exasperated.

With a sigh of defeat, he stuffed his hands into the pockets of his trousers, his eyes moving away from yours. "Of course. After meeting Nina and Aaron, I was made aware that everything wasn't quite as it seems. Ever since then, I've become aware that alternate realities exist, alternate dimensions - alternate everything, really...we barely even know the surface of it all..." he trailed off. "I can't explain how I knew...but last night, I'd...had this...strange feeling, a feeling that I recognized I had felt before I'd met Nina and Aaron...and today was supposed to be nothing more than an outing for me, disguised of course, to see what everything is like through the outlook of another person," he continued. "I was simply supposed to be browsing, and blending in...but then I saw you, through the window of that record store - and I just knew you were different. You were like Nina and Aaron - not from here,"

"Oh my," you let out a breath, placing your hand on your forehead as you tried to gather your thoughts. "I'm guessing I shouldn't ask what their experience was like,"

"It was a lot more simple, but it left me confused for a minute or two," he shrugged. "They just...showed up at the house, out of nowhere - literally," he bit his lip. "But that was back when I...knew nothing about this whole other dynamic of travelling from one reality to another...so perhaps in some way, it allowed me to find you as swiftly as I did, even though I couldn't understand it at first,"

You stared at him, completely silent for a good couple of minutes, making him shift his attention back to you. For a moment, it appeared as if he thought you were going to be upset, but when you broke into a smile - he was rather surprised, pleasantly surprised.

"So...you...made all the effort for me, just because you knew I was from a whole other world?" you asked softly.

"Because from the moment I laid eyes on you, I felt drawn to you. I may not know you, and perhaps you may not know me - but I feel like I know you, just like I feel as though you know me," he kept his gaze tender. "This doesn't have to be anything with a label, or anything that makes sense just yet," he added. "Just know that I have grown to care for you in the mere matter of a few hours...and though I don't look forward to seeing you leave forever...I want to spend as much time with you as I can, right up until it all ends,"

Immediately, your smile grew even wider, your heart choosing to follow the path that you wanted to walk. It didn't really matter whether you had been confused in the beginning, because at the end of the day, whatever feelings you had developed were genuine - no matter how quickly it might all have happened.

So you took a step closer to him, still on a high with everything that had happened, yet still grounded enough to know that these few moments, at least, were real.

"Then stay with me, until the very last moment. Be the last person I see before this all disappears forever,"

៚ ⋯⋯⊰☆

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