💜Mini Epilogue💜

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You awoke to the sound of your alarm clock blaring loudly, making you groan as you sat up with a frown. With a heavy hand, you stopped your clock from ringing any further, the piercing sound nearly giving you a migraine.

Your eyes drifted over toward the small calendar that sat on your bedside table, and you took in a deep breath upon acknowledging that today was the day of your final exam.

As quickly as you could, you got out of bed, hastily doing whatever you could to neaten your sleeping space before getting the rest of your bedroom in order. You had been up late, studying the night before, so your entire room had been left in disarray by the time you had dozed off to sleep.

In a timely fashion, you got refreshed, got dressed, and made sure that you had everything you needed before you focused on the finishing touches of your appearance.

Right before you left your room, you ran back into the bathroom one last time, just to fasten your hair into a style that looked as neat as possible, your heart fluttering with delight at the fact that your locks had decided not to give you any trouble this morning.

"Oh, almost forgot," you giggled, reaching out to grab the necklace that you'd had to take off before you'd stepped into the shower.

Luckily, you had spotted it before you'd had the chance to leave the house, without wearing it, for the first time. Every day, for three years now, you'd worn it, only taking it off when you needed to shower.

And even after three years, it still looked as precious as it did when you had first received it.

A small smile etched itself onto your face as you finished securing the clasp, your fingers gently falling over to graze over the heart pendant.

It sparkled under your touch, making you bite your lip whilst your smile widened.

"Wish me luck today, Michael," you whispered softly, saying one last thing before you walked out of the bathroom.

"I love you,"

Once you closed the door, you left the black box still seated on your desk, and as it glowed to life again, the jewels on your heart pendant glittered as well.

You had returned the box to Nina when you had first returned, but neither her nor Aaron had any knowledge of the necklace you'd managed to bring back - only until a few days ago, a revelation that had led Nina to believe that the box rightfully belonged to you in some strange way.

And the fact that it was able to come alive again, once in your possession, was proof that the best experience of your life hadn't quite come to an end forever.

It came at the perfect time, especially since you would have all the time in the world to figure out the more complex mechanics of it all once your final exam was over.

Maybe it didn't have to end forever.

• ៚ ⋯⋯⋯ 🧸 ⋯⋯⋯⋯• ༄ ♡

[Author's Note]
Aah! This is the end of the first
imagine that I have decided to
write in this format, and I hope it
was alright!
Thank you so, so much for reading
if you have made it this far, and do
feel free to lemme know your thoughts!
Every show of interaction means the world
to me, so just know that!
I love you!


|Love, Isha|

• ៚ ⋯⋯⋯ 🧸 ⋯⋯⋯⋯• ༄ ♡

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