💜Part Four💜

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A pounding headache seared through your nerves as consciousness slowly returned to you, along with all the memories that had led you up to the present moment. With a deep frown, you gradually became aware that you were on your feet, even though the last place you remembered being in was your chair.

That's when you fully opened your eyes to see that you were in a dark isolated alleyway, as if you were in the middle of an era you nearly recognized. Along the brick walls were a few posters, posters from the eighties.

"No way," you whispered to yourself, feeling a sense of excitement bubble within you. "The eighties?!" you quickly forgot about what Nina had most treasured the game for, your interest being swept away with the fact that you were now present in an era you had always yearned to see for real.

You took a step forward, but stopped when you noticed the familiar piece of paper laying at your feet, jogging your memory with regard to Nina's words.

"Shit, I'd nearly forgotten it," you bent down to pick it up, opening it swiftly to see what had been written.

A few rules were scribbled neatly in a list, but they were mostly already the conditions that Nina had previously recited. It was the set of the last two rules that you'd paid a bit more attention to.

× The experience will only last until midnight. You shall arrive at the preset time of an early morning, so use your time to the best of your ability. Before the clock strikes twelve, you should be standing in the spot that you had first awoken in, and once the time is midnight sharp - you will return.

× Do keep safe during the experience, because if you should be put in a fatal position, you'll immediately return - and your chance would have been wasted. (Don't be Aaron, because that's what happened to him)

A light giggle escaped your lips at the last sentence, bringing a warm feeling to your heart.

"Right, I just need to stay away from harm until midnight - got it," you whispered to yourself.

With that, you folded the piece of paper and stuffed it neatly into the pocket of your coat, taking in a deep breath as you began to walk further toward the main street. The faint smell of fresh paint found it's way to your senses, startling you at how real it smelt. Every little detail felt real.

It was quite early in the morning, so there were only a few cars driving by, along the smooth road - but you knew it would only be a matter of time before the traffic picked up.

"Woah," you whispered to yourself as you began to walk along the footpath, passing by the endless line of stores that were reaffirmation of the fact that you were in the eighties.

All of a sudden, you caught your reflection in the glass window of one of the many shops that you sauntered by, taking you by surprise. Your appearance had been subtly altered to allow you to blend right in with the era that you had unexpectedly found yourself right in the middle of. For a moment, you hadn't been able to recognize yourself, but the style certainly suited you beyond what you could ever have imagined.

You looked like something out of a sophisticated eighties music video.

It was insane, but in the best way possible.

Once again, you began to walk, a smile visible on your face as your feet moved to an inaudible beat. The cool morning air brushed against your cheeks, grounding you in some strange way. It was as if you were able to be a completely different person, just for a day.

You continued to move along until you passed by a record store that had just opened for the day, the fresh smell of paper seeming to emit from it. Your eyes widened in delight as you caught a glimpse of a few records that you could only ever have dreamed of seeing in such pristine, and newly crafted condition.

With excitement, you entered the store, the sound a bell ringing once as you pushed open the door. Every little thing was just perfect.

As you walked in, you saw a young saleswoman move about at the cash counter, a smile forming on her lips when she spotted you.

"Our first browser of the day," she giggled, waving at you. "I hope you'll find something you like," she added before she continued reorganizing her work station.

"Thanks, I'm...sure I will," you bit your lip, in awe of the warm feeling that enveloped you.

The energy was so wholesome, and so warm - just as you had imagined the eighties to be. It was an inexplicable feeling.

After a few moments of browsing the famous lines of records you had once only ever dreamed of seeing, music began to play throughout the store, at somewhat of a low volume. Your heart fluttered at the immediate recognition that awoke within you at the instrumentals that played before the iconic voice followed.

It was Bad, the song created by the very man you adored.

At this point, you couldn't control the smile that beamed on your face as you listened, eventually humming along. In all the joy and excitement, you'd completely forgotten what the experience was intended to bring you.

Then, your eyes drifted off to a calendar that hung conveniently from one of the walls behind you, displaying the year in big, bold print. You'd already been sure of the date, just not so much the year. Now, however, you knew that the year was supposed to be 1988.

The door bell rung again, indicating that someone else had entered the store, but you didn't bother too much - still distracted by the vast collection of masterpieces that decorated the aisle you were in.

Just as before, you heard the lady greet the next potential customer. From the voice that responded, you deduced that it was a man that had entered.

A few minutes passed, and you continued browsing before someone bumped into you, completely taking you aback - so much so that you were sent reeling to the ground.

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