Y3 - Tracey's Reasons

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Y/N slowly walked towards the middle part of their room. Her brows furrowed as looked she at their friend as she was walking. Y/N bit her knuckles, thinking of the possible ways on how Tracey was sitting on her bed.

"I already-"

Y/N cut her off. "Wait. Wait. No offense, but what are you doing here? I thought you were dead."

"Really?" said Tracey with a deadpan look. "After two months that's how you'll greet me?"

"Well, what do you expect?" She gushed out. "Tracey, you didn't respond to our letters."

"Look. I'm sorry," said Tracey.

"Oh, girl, explain everything to Y/N or she'll combust in the next two minutes."

Tracey sat straight on the edge of her bed and she explained everything to Y/N. They had been in a Holiday for two months Japan. Tracey also admitted that she tried to write them letters, but somehow it was never sent to them. She also explained that she got two weeks before the first term, so she needed to rest for some time.

"And I took the early train yesterday," she finished.

"Okay," said Y/N after a few minutes of processing her friend's reason. "You got here yesterday?"

Tracey nodded.

"Then why weren't you at the feast?"

"Will the three of you lower your voices," said one of the girls behind the curtains of a four-poster bed. Y/N thought it was Millicent.

"I told you, I was tired," said Tracey. Her voice was hard, as though she was explaining it for the nth time.

"You got here a day ahead of us, yet you were tired for a three hour feast?" She questioned.

"Is it a crime to be tired?" Tracey questioned back. "Look, I don't want to explain myself like a broken wand, I'm tired and I want to sleep. Is that alright?"

"Alright," Daphne and Y/N both said.

The two other girls went to their respective beds and they immediately dozed off. Meanwhile, Y/N was sitting on her bed, facing Tracey who was now under her covers. She was curious and incredulous of her friend's reasons.

A subtle clink from the cage beside her bed made Y/N jumped. It was Nyra, her red owl. She'd been waiting for the return of her owl since the day she sent the letter to Hermione, it gotten herself lost, by the looks of it. Y/N laughed under her breath as she opened the cage to let her red owl out.

"You stupid bird," she cooed her feathers. "Gotten yourself lost in France, Nyra?"

Y/N changed to her pajamas and she dropped herself on her bed. She lazily whipped her wand to close her emerald green curtains.

Daphne dropped the subject in the morning. The three of them hurried down the Great Hall for breakfast. Tracey was talking to them animatedly about their trip to Mahoutokoro, the Wizarding school in Japan. She described how brilliant the robes were in that country. The robes that were given to each students were designed and charmed to grow in the same pace as the wearer. Y/N wished Britain would also do such thing.

The new Head boy and Head girl handed out their class schedules. She had Transfiguration as a first subject. They had Herbology with the Ravenclaws. The next class would be Double Potions with the Gryffindors. After a break for lunch, she had a free period before going to Divination with all the other three houses. The next would be DADA with the Gryffindors. While in the evenings, they had Astronomy with the Hufflepuffs.

Y/N had taken eight subjects for this year, so her schedule was split into two days. On Tuesdays and Thursdays she had Charms and Care of Magical Creatures in alternate of her free period and Divination class.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 07, 2021 ⏰

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