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The warm sunlight of Wales woke Y/N from her slumber. She got up and finished her letter to Hermione that she started last night. 

She ran her hands through her curls as she warned Hermione not to call to Harry using the telephone because of what happened to him when Ron did. She signed the letter and gave it to her owl, Nyra. 

In Y/N's first two years at Hogwarts, she'd grown a lot more connected and alive. She was sorted in Slytherin, it wasn't that bad— well, if you won't count Pansy's occasional teasing about her father issues. 

Y/N's raven hair grew longer as she approaches her third year at Hogwarts. Her eyes were still pretty gray, of course. She'd been sent some 'love confession' letters since she went home last summer. The most unusual thing that was mailed to her this summer was a bottle of love potion. One couldn't be thick enough to send the bottle of Amortentia with the label still on.

Even if she was sorted in a different house and spent most of her time in the Slytherin common room, she always managed to spend time with her friends, Harry, Ron, and Hermione. 

She also had grown to have a close relationship with her fellow Slytherins. Daphne and Tracey were her dormmates and they hang out as well. 

Besides the occasional teasing from Pansy Parkinson, Y/N had nothing to worry about. Draco Malfoy, the blonde boy that threatened Y/N, Harry, and Ron in their compartment during their first year, had surprisingly been neutral towards Y/N. He'd laugh if she was having a rough time, but he never threw foul words at her. He never teased Y/N about her blood status since the Christmas break in their first year. 

After she went out from the shower, she pulled out another parchment and she started to write a letter to Daphne. 

Dear Daphne,

I hope you're having a good day.

Have you heard of Tracey? I wrote to her thrice already since the start of summer, but she hasn't responded even once. Do you reckon they're on a holiday? 

Anyway, how are you? It's extremely boring here in our house. I can't do magic. The least thing that I could do is to read my old notes. Aunt Helena told me that we'll be going to Diagon Alley this Thursday. That's four days from now. We could meet there, at Fortescue's Ice Cream Parlour. I heard they sell the best ice cream. 

Did you know that Theodore Nott sent me a howler?! The nerve of that guy! The howler opened itself when we were eating dinner, and my Mum won't stop teasing me for it. The howler shouted his confession of his 'love' for me. Well, I think of it as an infatuation. He likes me, yes. But I know the look in his eyes every time his eyes lands on you. 

I'll end this letter now. I hope Nyra will send this to you before Thursday. 


Nyra was still not back from her trip to France to send her letter to Hermione. Y/N folded the parchment and she put it inside Nyra's cage. 

A barn owl flew inside her open windows. It was a Ministry Owl. She payed for a subscription to the Daily Prophet during her first year

She pulled the newspaper from the owl and she tied her letter to Daphne to it's legs. The owl looked at her quizly. Apparently, the owl was not a mail sender. But Y/N gave it some left over muffins and three knuts. Eventually, the owl hooted and flew outside her window, with her letter attached to it's claws.

It was still a few minutes 'till lunch, so she sat on her bed. Y/N opened the newspaper from the Prophet. 

Y/N's eyes went wide as the moving picture in the front page stared at her. The man's hair was greasy, yet dry, and shoulder length. His teeth was yellowish and his eyes were as gray as hers. The man was holding a placard with numbers and symbols. With his mouth wide open, he was shouting in inferno.

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