Y3 - Briskets and Butterbeer

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Ginny's bright brown eyes went wide when she saw Y/N outside their house. 

"Y/N? What are you doing here?"

Ginny was holding a slice of bread, evidently, she was the one who lit the candle in the kitchen to sneak up some foods. Her eyes drifted to Y/N's foot, and there she saw her trunk. Ginny looked at Y/N again, and she noticed the distress on her face. 

"Did you ran away?" Ginny asked in a hushed tone.

"Yeah, sort of," Y/N answered. 

"Come here, come inside," said Ginny. She helped Y/N to push her trunk inside the house. They put her trunk on one of the shabby sofas, Ginny locked the door. 

"Let's get to bed first," Ginny pulled her arm and they went upstairs. They both lifted Y/N's trunk. They were careful not to make any noise, because the rest of the Weasleys were already asleep. 

The youngest Weasley's room was settled in the third floor, making Y/N pant as she was being pulled by Ginny. 

The room Ginny shoved her into was painted in a light red tone. The bed was built in the left side of the wall, facing a bay window. On the other side was a tall yellow dresser. Ginny gestured her to sit on her bed. Y/N obliged. They settled Y/N's trunk beside Ginny's.

 Ginny was staring down at her while leaning at the closed door. 

"Sorry this is just my room," Ginny said shyly. "Quite cramped, honestly."

"Oh no, it's cozy in here. Unlike that room in the Leaky Cauldron earlier."

Ginny gaped at Y/N. Y/N was a year older than Ginny and also the sister of her best friend, so they were quite close. Stillness embodied the room. It wasn't awkward, it was more of a calm silence. 

"Leaky Cauldron?" Ginny hissed. "You stayed at that shabby inn?"

"Yeah," Y/N breathed. "I stayed there since this afternoon."

"Why didn't you just went here in the first place?" Ginny asked in a matter-of-fact way. 

Y/N raised her eyebrows at her. "Well, I didn't know you were already home from Egypt." 

"Oh, we just got back two days ago," she was fidgeting the hem of her jumper. "You hungry? I could grab some bread downstairs."

"No, thank you," Y/N smiled at her offer. "I'm tired actually. Maybe I could borrow some pillows and sleep on the floor?" 

"Sleep on the floor? What are you? A house-elf?" The red-head scoffed. "You'll sleep beside me."

"You sure?" 

"Of course," Ginny bent down to her bed and she patted the bedsheets. "You sure you're not hungry?" 

Y/N nodded. When Ginny was about to lay down on her side of the bed, Y/N suddenly pulled her into a hug. Ginny stiffened but she hugged her back and patted her slowly on the back. Even Y/N wasn't aware why she hugged her. She needed comfort. 

"You alright?" 

"No," Y/N mumbled as she pulled out of the hug. 

"You want to talk about it?"

Y/N bit her lower lip. She shook her head slowly. Ginny looked her directly in the eyes, as though asking for her to tell her what's bothering her. Y/N suddenly found the opposite wall interesting. She heard Ginny muttered a hushed 'good night' to her. 

Ginny was facing the wall. Her bed was big enough for two people, so Y/N had no difficulty as she laid beside her. 

"Thanks, Gin..." Y/N mumbled. 

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