{15} im a mess

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I messed up this time
Late last night
Drinking to suppress devotion

-I'm a Mess (Ed Sheeran)


Everyone gathered for a little get-together at Perrie's House. It was a bit of a struggle to get Jersey and Ash into the car, but they had been doing better, almost being able to stand up and walk on their own.

Michael was still not showing symptoms and I began to get alarmed. If there was anything I didn't want was for him to die. And I was afraid that might happen.

Perrie set up everything, with the help of Lee of course, whilst I begged and pleaded Harry to let me have contact with Dylan. Nothing there.

I have to admit, it was kind of upsetting knowing that Harry didn't trust me with knowing where Dylan lived. Frankly, I knew it couldn't be that far, it's just the exact location that tormented me. But Harry insisted that I must wait. And I must have patience.

That's exactly what this party was supposed to be for.

It was supposed to be for me to chill and forget about everything. It was supposed to remind me if the happiness I felt in the beginning of summer, when nothing had happened and our biggest goal for the week was to get the mail from the mailbox.

But in my life, these moments are not allowed.

We were having a good time watching some idiotic show. Some of the guys, like Liam, Harry, Louis, and Michael, were in the kitchen, speaking in hushed tones. I suppose what they were speaking of was so secret that not only could the girls not know, but also, they had to be told in groups of three.

Everyone tried not to pay much attention to it, but everyone in the room noticed as they waited for their names to be called.

But one person wasn't here.

Someone that I had seen walk through the door and greet me.

And he wasn't in the kitchen either.


I stood up from my spot next to Niall and smiled at him, making up a stupid excuse. Mac was in the restroom so for the past ten minutes, Niall and I had been cracking each other up.

I decided to look for Calum upstairs and on the way, I bumped into Mac, who smiled at me, "What's up?"

"Calum is nowhere to be seen," I explained quietly, just in case he could hear me if he was near me, "could you stay close to me?"

Mac nodded, and I quietly went up the steps, trying not to make a sound. I even held my breath. As I got upstairs I saw Calum's back, his biceps exposed my his tank top.

At least I knew he was ok.

But as he moved around, I realized manicured hands were placed around his neck in a soft motion.

He was making out with someone.

As Calum pushed her against the wall, I could see her face perfectly. And my heart stopped. I looked at Mac, who was still on the steps looking up at me and mouthed, 'Harry, my room, 5 minutes."

Mac nodded and scurried off.

I cleared my throat and crossed my arms over my chest, making them swivel around and stop. And surely enough, the girl I thought it was was standing in front of me, a face full of fear.



I had Dani tied down to a chair, arms and legs being held together by rope. Somehow, I knew she wasn't going to try anything, but there was always that possibility that she could. At this point, I can't tell with her.

If I Die Tonight | h.s. sequelWhere stories live. Discover now