{18} i know you

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The shadows of your heart
Are hanging in the sweet, sweet air
I know you baby,
The secrets that you hide, control us and it's not fair'
I know you baby

-I Know You (Skylar Grey)


"Jane! Are you alright?" Perrie gasped once she saw my bruises and cuts. I chuckled as she attacked me with a hug, and pulled away, looking at me intensely.

"She's fine, she just got creamed," Harry pitched in, earning a dirty look from me and an interesting glance from Niall and Liam.

Liam spoke first, getting up and coming closer to me, "I thought I taught you better, Rose."

"You taught me just fine," I rolled my eyes. Perrie walked away from us, a worried look still on her face. Liam approached me, looking specifically at the cut on my forehead. "That girl was just indestructible."

"How'd she get you?" Niall asked, standing next to Liam and inspecting what I had done wrong based on mu injuries.

"Hit me in the head with her gun and punched from there," I explained, grabbing Liam's hand and pulling it away from my face.

Niall grinned, nodding as if he was proud I had gotten beaten, "We should try that, it's smart."

"Thanks for the support, Ni," I rolled my eyes, and stepped away from the two boys. They both chuckled and still looked at me, as if there was something else I was missing.

We stayed quiet for a while, but then, Harry's hand was on my waist all of the sudden, which made me flinch. "We have to get going."

"We do?" I asked, swishing around and looking at Harry.

"We do. "

"What the hell is this place, Styles?" I sighed, looking at our surroundings. There was nothing. Only a few yards Way there was a remote, abandoned gas station, then after that, it wall all rocks, sand, and a road. Nothing more, nothing less. And it seemed to me, like the only two people crazy enough to come here were us two.

"My safe place," he looked around, smiling as if this was a place to be proud of. I wasn't going to bash in his happiness, but this did worry me a bit.

I looked around with him, my nose scrunching up at the odd scenario I was currently in, "This is it? Where you're totally exposed?"

"On the contrary," he spoke, taking my hand in his and standing very close to me, only a beat away from my lips, "no one expects anyone to be here. It's perfect for hiding, and doing whatever the hell you want. It's mysterious. "

"Like you?" I smiled, and he looked up at me with his bright eyes.

Then, instead of pressing his lips with mine, he grabbed my hand tight and walked with me toward the gas station. I didn't find this calming at all. With all these pumps that most likely have some gas left, this whole place could blow.

But the inside was even worse. Two of four walls were all glass - clearly not bullet proof. There was only space for two isles, but I wouldn't much of that since the divider was gone. There was a bed, a blanket, some weapons, and some canned food and soda. However, the place was crawling with spiderwebs left and right.

"This is where I stayed for a little while, and now, I hope to make it into a bunker, a safe place for everyone." Harry grinned, looking down at me. But frankly, I was too busy looking at the dead lizard in the corner of the room.

Then it hit me. "Why did you bring me here? What do I have to do with it?"

"Well, now that Knight is hunting you, you're gonna need a place to hide," Harry explained, trying to be as calm and subtle as he possibly could be. Maybe, if he was calm enough, it'd count for both of us because I was fuming already. "and the bunker will be finished in less than two weeks."

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