{9} I'm low on gas and you need a jacket

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"Well, fuck what am I supposed to be impressed

you're just another set of bones to lay to rest...

and soon I'll forget the color of your eyes

and you'll forget mine."

-I'm Low on Gas and You Need a Jacket (Pierce the Veil)

He caught me, I knew he did as soon as his hands left the alcohol bottle in place and grazed over the gun. Luckily, my hand was closer to my own gun and my reflexes were sharper. I took my time to examine this guy.

He had toned arms that were covered with tattoos, all colored in with some bright-ass ink. The guys took the opportunity to show off his arms by only wearing a stained, white tank-top and very loose-fitting pants. At this point, those types of pants looked odd, due to the fact that the guys around me are always wearing tight skinny jeans.

The guy's hand was right above the gun, and I already knew what was going to happen next. My gun was already by my side and I was ready to aim. Pacing around, I turned so he could only see my side. I sighed, tracing my fingers over the dark wood,"Yeah, but I don't need back up when you guys are so predictable."

Right as those words left my mouth, I was already cocking the gun in his direction. The guy muttered a curse word, but slowly turned around, his hands by his sides. Oddly enough, the gun that was previously there, had magically 'disappeared'. I scoffed, striding towards him, the gun was kept pointed in his direction as I demanded,"Hands up,"

The guys refused to do what I had told him to do, so instead, he actually attempted to pull his own gun on me. Luckily, I was able to kick it out of his hand before he was able to even raise it. After he saw what I was capable to of in jeans, he raised his hand up.

Then, I took it upon myself to ask since the people outside were clearly not going to barge in any soon. "Where is my boyfriend?"

"You mean the green-haired freak?" He laughed, almost letting his arms down but catching himself in the process.

I widened my eyes to warn him as I nudged the gun and waved it in front of him,"Who's the one with the gun, buddy."

All at once, Liam and Calum were barging in, their heads ducked low an their guns right in front of them. Well, I stand corrected. Even though I was expecting these two, Harry came in as well, much more relaxed then the rest of the guys. However, when he saw me, he was very surprised, even taking a few steps back,"Woah, when did you get a gun?"

Calum and Liam cracked a smile, letting their guns stiffly down, arms straight as they moved into the next room. Rolling my eyes at Harry's unprofessional question, I answered, moving slowly to my left,"Just cover me so I can get his,"

Harry seemed to own up as he raised his gun back up and attempted to make awkward conversation with the guy he was pointing the gun at. I lowered my defense, attempting to gain control of his very nice-looking gun. But, as always, my plan was messed up when the guy grabbed my arm and held me down on a headlock. And instead of me getting the guy's weapon, he got mine. Luckily, I was able to kick the extra gun towards Harry and very far away from this psycho.

Harry almost laughed, he actually let out a chuckle while a gun was pointed at my head. Once he couldn't hold it anymore, he threw his head back as he laughed, letting the gun dangle by his side. With his free index finger, he pointed between the guy and I as he chuckled,"You have to be joking,"

The guy shuffled uncomfortably, and demandingly asked for answers. Harry was so laid back, he almost seemed as if he didn't give a shit whether we came out of this alive. "What's so funny?"

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