{2} Raging Fire

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Let the world leave lost behind

Let your heart be next to mine

Before the flame goes out tonight

We can live until we die

-Raging Fire (Phillip Phillips)


It was never a problem for me to see, in fact I was one of those rare kids that had almost perfect sight. Seemingly, it was dark now and it was even harder for me to see at a certain distance. But even though this was a bit of a problem, I kept a look out- behind cars, underneath them, peeping before trees, whatever- just because he asked me to. Harry had been sitting next to me in complete and utter silence for the past five minutes, getting the awkward out of our system. After a while, he finally caught my eye and spoke,"How are you?"

"Five months and that's all you can come up with?" I scoffed and shook my head, picking the grass in between my legs and ripping it out.

He also looked down and cracked a smile off of his usually glum face,"This conversation went a little different in my head."

"What," I laughed, looking up into the sky and avoided looking into his eyes as much as possible,"I rushed into you arms and we kissed as we rode off into the sunset?"

"I don't appreciate the sarcasm," He stalked off and gawked at the same thing I was looking at which happened to be the moon, that somehow perfectly reflected on his face,"But it was something like that."

"Funny," I licked my lips and looked down. Finally. I bundled up enough courage to look him in the eye and get lost in them for the first time in a while,"I never got to properly thank you for saving my ass in the whole Aaron dilemma."

"Is cursing your new thing now?" He teased, finally looking down from the moon and staring into my eyes.

Clenching my jaw almost out of reflex, I nodded very confidently,"Maybe it is, asshole."

Harry swished around, sitting down as he faced me and stretched one of his legs to rest over mine. Ignoring his weird display of affection, I shook the weird thought out of my head and asked,"Where have you been for the past couple months?"

"I needed a break from life, just for five minutes." He sighed, rummaging around his pockets as he searched for something and kept on explaining,"Minutes turned into weeks, weeks turned into months."

He pulled a small piece of paper out. It was folded up into four neat squares, but it almost seemed as if he had thrown it around a couple of times in the washing machine. He slowly unfolded it and lowly whispered, looking around to make sure there was no one around,"I made some things right while I was out."

It was a picture of him carrying a boy that must have been around seven years old, next to a girl a little older than us, and what looked like a lady that was possibly my mom's age and they were all awfully happy. Harry explained, pointing at each person in the photograph,"That's my sister, and my mom-who had another son not very long ago, Matt. I was there for three days, but it felt good to know they were okay."

"What were you doing the other months?" I looked up at him, but he kept a straight look on the ground, thinking about whatever with concentrated eyes and a beyond serious expression.

But then he gave off this weird smile that somehow showed off that he was fine, but in reality, he really wasn't,"Nothing important."

Quickly, he recovered, folding the paper over once again and placing it in his front pocket. Moving on awfully fast, he asked, interlocking his hands together and hugging his knees up to his chest,"How's Michael? You two still-?"

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