Now it's Monday again. I slept until 7 AM went on a quick run around the park and was back at 8. Jackson was already up and layed on the couch. I made breakfast for us and after eating I forced him to go grocery shopping. Of course he didn't want to but I needed him to help me carry everything.

We came back ate a lunch and I cleaned the apartment since I wasn't home on the weekend. When I finished cleaning it was already 4 PM so I needed to leave soon. I took a quick shower and left for work.

I was there at 4:50 PM so i had a little time left to chat with my coworker Michael. Michael is a 26 year old very attractive man. He is tall, brown hairs, brown eyes and all in all boyfriend Material.

But since the first day it was clear that we wouldn't be something else than friends. It was always nice to see him and chat with him. He told me about his new girlfriend and I was of course happy for him and asked about her.

Our talk was soon cut off because the restaurant filled with people again. So we started working.
I needed to serve I assume a married couple. The man drank too much and the wife just didn't care about everything. What beautiful humans.

What the hell is wrong with you? I told you like a thousand times I didn't want the salad." the drunk asshole screamed at me.

I'm really sorry about that sir. I will just take the salad with me again." I said with a calm voice to not bring all the attention in the restaurant to me.

No you dumbass. Now you can just leave the salad here." now he was really pissed and just waved me off.

Alright sir, I'll be back soon with your other food. Can I bring you something else?" I asked in the direction of the woman. They both said no, the man still extremely drunk and pissed about everything. So I left them alone. 

As I was in the kitchen just to calm down and not go out there and kill this man Michael came in there too.

Is everything okay?" he asked worried.

Yeah just a drunk asshole again."

I can take this table if you feel uncomfortable with serving them again." he told me and put his hand in my shoulder for comfort.

No it's really okay. Thank you." I assured him with a little smile.
What did I told you. Totally a perfect boyfriend and human.

I brought the couple their food and didn't say anything to them. I just left so they couldn't even say something stupid to me. I learned in my three years of working here that it's better to just ignore people like this than starting a fight about it.

So when I was once again bringing dessert to their table the man looked at his cake then up at me.
How could someone like you even work here. Waitresses are supposed to be nice and look good."

I just shaked my head and told him to enjoy his food. When I looked up again my heart stopped for a minute. My eyes landed directly onto the man my mind was constantly turning around. He was staring at me too then smiled a little at me. I was so in a bad mood I couldn't even smile back, on my face was just a Fake half smile.

So i walked over to his table where he was sitting with another male I never seen with him. He was just here two times before so I didn't see him with a lot of people of course... my thoughts are going crazy again.

Hello it's nice to see you again." I said while looking at Chris the whole time.

It's nice to see you too." he said with a smile. But is dropped right after he took his eyes off of me for a second. „I'm so sorry about that rude man on the other table. I think I would've killed him by now." he said with a slightly angry face.

It's okay, don't worry. It's not the first time someone drinks too much in here. And trust me I thought about the second thing too." I said and winked at him. I heard them both laugh at what I said even though it was completely serious.

So what can I bring you two?" i asked now back at work. They both ordered their food. As I wanted to leave I caught Chris's checking me out.

As he noticed that I saw him he slowly brings his eyes back up looking me in my eyes and a smirk was forming on his lips. I blushed a little, smirked back at him and left before I could possibly ruin this moment and turn it into an very uncomfortable situation.

I continued to work as the people in the restaurant slowly made their way back out since it was only Monday. At 10 PM there were only a few tables left with some guests.
Chris and the other man were still sitting on their table talking and laughing together. That was really the only table I had in view.

I brought them their dessert but when I came to their table I saw Chris sitting alone. When I came closer I saw the other man outside taking a phone call. So I just put their plates down and asked Chris if everything was okay and if they needed anything else.

No everything is perfect. Thank you." he smiled. „But could I maybe ask you what your name is?" he asked still with a smile, and his eyes not leaving mine.

Catelynne." I smiled back and held my hand out.

Chris." he said his eyes still focused on me.

The other man came back and our eye contact broke.
„Catelynne this is my brother Scott by the way."

It's nice to meet you Catelynne." Scott said very friendly. He seemed like a very nice guy.

It's nice to meet you too Scott." I answered him with a smile.

I excused myself to go back to work but I told them I would stop by again. When I came into the kitchen Michael was standing there I assume waiting for me.

What the hell was that?" he asked with wide eyes.

What exactly do you mean?" I didn't wanted to play dumb but I really didn't know which part of out there he meant.

Uhm... flirting with a Hollywoodstar dumbass." he said as if everyone knew what he was thinking.

We weren't flirting Michael. He just was here a couple of times so we kinda know each other a little."  I told him as if it were that obvious.

You guys were pretty much eye fucking each other. So yes Cate i think he was defenitly flirting with you. And besides that he is hot so it's a good thing." he said smiling.

Yeah yeah whatever." I just wanted to leave this conversation because i really didn't know what to say about that. And I was blushing and doesn't want Michael to know that. But I also think there was a connection between me and Chris. I just couldn't tell you what this connection was about.

And before i could stop by their table they were standing up to leave the restaurant. Scott was already out of the door but Chris turned himself around to look back again and was looking around the restaurant. As his sight hit me he stopped searching.

I stood there awkwardly just staring back at him. And he did pretty much the same. Then he snapped back into reality had a wide smile on his lips and winked at me in a really sexy way.

I blushed at his action and slightly waved at him with a shy smile. He turned around and left the restaurant. After I was back in reality I felt like a fucking girl in High School and so was i behaving. Man this guy is driving me crazy. But I kinda enjoy it too.

Only 20 minutes left until I could finally go home. The time flew by and after my 10 minute walk I was standing in the kitchen to grab a glass of water. After that I showered and now I was laying in my bed.

Once again my whole thoughts turned around Chris. About our conversation and the fact that he was obviously flirting with me. At first I told myself that he was just nice but after the conversation with Michael and then the wink from Chris... I think Michael was right from the beginning.

I couldn't stop smiling like an idiot when I thought about it. So I tried to go to sleep and did it eventually.

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