We were dancing and in the back Chris and Sophie still talked, danced and laughed. That really put me in a bad mood. Just because of the fact Sophie already stole a man from me one time. And I think I couldn't get over it when they both will start a thing with each other.

Michael and I were just dancing and talking a little bit but I wasn't really in the mood to talk.

Are you really okay with the Chris thing here?" Michael asked worried.

Yeah I think so. Maybe he really just changed his mind and didn't called because he wouldn't wanted to see me again." I was slightly sad that it went that way.

Maybe there is an explanation for that. If you guys could just talk about it."

He obviously doesn't want to talk to me. He found himself a new chick they're laughing and dancing together."

But he doesn't look at her the same way he looks at you. When he looks at you his eyes are smiling with his whole face. Now it's only his mouth that is smiling. And besides that they probably just met today." he tried to make me feel better.

Yeah. We will see about that. We barely even knew each other too and he still asked for my number." I stated the obvious fact.

Just wait and see I think he'll talk to you sooner or later. Shit. And I think now he's walking in our direction. Just stay calm." he said looking at me.

My heart beat faster and I didn't knew what to do. Did I want him to come over? Why is he coming to us? Every possible question is forming in my head. As I could literally feel him behind me.

Could I have the next dance with Catelynne?" he asked Michael very politely.

Michael looked at me and waited for approval and I slightly nodded my head. „Of course man but be careful." Michael said leaving us alone.

It was a slow dance so Chris's hands wandered around my hips and mine were resting on his shoulders.

Hey Catelynne." he said with a smile.

Hello Chris." I just said.

How are you?" he asked me as if nothing happened and he never was acting like an asshole.

Really great. And you?" I held the conversation as minimal as possible. And I think he noticed it.

Better if you weren't avoiding and ignoring me the whole day." he said trying to lighten my mood. But of course it didn't go as he planned it.

I'm sorry Chris but I really can't do this." I said looking him into his eyes and walked away.

I was walking out of the room on my way to the bathroom. I was already halfway through the steps when I heard him behind me. For my luck there was nobody in the hallway to the bathroom.

„Cate. Wait." he called.

But I just walked further. As I felt his hand gripping my wrist making me stop. Now we were standing in the hallway facing each other.

What the hell are you doing?" I asked angry.

I just wanted to talk to you." he said still holding my wrist.

About what the fact that i gave you my number and you never called. Or about you still fucking your ex girlfriend while flirting with me?" I nearly screamed at him but then remembered that we were still on a Wedding so I lowered my voice quickly.

Cate listen about not calling I'm really sorry. Now looking back it was a really dumb idea. And about my ex girlfriend it's not true what you heard about that." he tried to explain.

I just rolled my eyes and walked into the Woman's bathroom. But that didn't stop Chris to come in too. He locked the door after him. So I hadn't had a way to flee.

Listen, I really wanted to call you but then the article went published and I thought it isn't the best idea if I'd called you now when you thought I'm still involved with my ex girlfriend. But now looking back it was the stupidest idea I've ever had because that just looked like the article is true when it in reality wasn't." he told me searching my eyes to meet his.

„If you had called I'd never even would've found out about the article. If you'd called I never even would've gotten the idea to search you up. I told myself I would never do that because I wanted to be on the same page with you about knowing things about each other. But then I waited the whole weekend and wanted maybe to find out why the hell you didn't called. Then it popped in my eyes CHRIS STILL FUCKING HIS EX-GIRLFRIEND." I said the last sentence extra sarcastically. I couldn't look him in his eyes after my true and maybe dumb confession about wanting to get to know him.

Cate it's really not the truth. We never even saw each other after I ended things with her." he said searching for my eyes. But I still didn't looked at him.

Then please explain why a whole article was published about that." I asked quietly, wanting to believe him but still mad.

Me and her weren't happy together anymore for a long time before. I wanted to end things with her even before I saw you the first time. But after we talked about it she convinced me to try it one more time. So we did.
And then me and the other guys went to that restaurant where you served us. After that day I couldn't get you out of my head. I convinced Sebastian to go with me to that restaurant again just so I could see you. The next day I ended everything with my Ex. It wasn't fair to her if all I could think about is another girl that served me in a restaurant." he chuckled a little while saying this.

„I really can't tell you why she said we were still involved in any kind because I don't know it either."
He stood infront of me and put his fingers under my chin so that I would look him in his eyes. „But what I can tell you is that since I first saw you you're the only one that I'm constantly thinking about."

I blushed a little of what he said. „I really couldn't stop thinking about you too." I shyly said trying to look away again.

He cupped my cheeks in his big hands looked me in the eyes smirked and crushed his lips against mine. I stepped back from that kiss looking at him. He searched my face for a reaction and looked slightly worried. I looked at him for a few seconds. But couldn't resist to kiss this breathtaking man again.

Our kiss deepens and gets passionately. We are completely lost in each other.

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