Chris still sexually involved with Ex-girlfriend."

I think my heart shattered in the exact same moment I read the title of this article. But I wanted to see what it was about so I clicked on it to read it. Looking back I shouldn't have done that.

We are maybe not together anymore but that doesn't mean anything is holding us back to do the ting we both enjoy. -Chris's Ex-girlfriend is telling us. That is clearly a hint that they're still sexually involved with each other.

I read with tears in my eyes. I couldn't control it. I didn't think Chris would do something like that. Asking for my number but still fucking his girlfriend or ex girlfriend doesn't really matter.

A little hope came up when I thought maybe the article could be old and isn't from this week.
But no. It was published today. Great. Really fucking great.

I was so mad at him for even having the audacity to ask for my number. So I told myself that I shouldn't think about him when there's clearly nothing to think about.

But deep down I was so sad. I wasn't so sad for a long time. Since my parents died I didn't really let anyone near me especially not guys who might think about asking me out. I just didn't wanted to be sad and hurt again. I don't like the feeling so I avoided every possible situation where I could feel like that again.

Rachel is really the only person I got close with. And I'm more than happy to have her. And there's Michael but him only cause it was clear at the first second that we'll be nothing more than friends.

And now I really thought Chris could maybe be the one. But I was wrong like always. I hated him for letting me feel sad again. On the other side I still thought he's the hottest person alive and still hope that maybe the article wasn't true. But then why didn't he call?

The next few weeks went by fast. I sometimes thought about Chris but mostly got that thought about him out of my head. I figured it would be better if I just forget about him at all. So I tried and it happened to work better than I imagined.

I was working normally and just hoped that he won't just step in the Restaurant. For my relief he never came back. Maybe sometimes I even hoped for him to walk in on that door but then again I quickly came back to reality.

Now it was the day before Rachel's wedding. Everything was planned perfectly. I really did most of the work since I needed my mind to be about something else than that man with those gorgeous blue eyes.

Anyways me and Rachel checked over everything again so that the wedding will be without any problems. Rachel's wedding will take place in a beautiful house that was build for celebrating weddings in the first place. It was a big room with a lot of tables, a big empty space to dance on, a kitchen in an extra room and bathrooms. There was also a beautiful garden in the back of the house where the most pictures would be taken of the couple which gets married.

We were so excited when we saw the house. Everything looked gorgeous they couldn't have decorated it better. The round tables have flowers standing in the middle and some other extras on the table.

The round tables for the guests were all near to each other and then with a little gap there was the table for Rachel and Alex. The table was on a little stage so everyone could see them. But then I saw four chairs standing there.

Rachel why are there four Chairs?" i asked.

Oh yeah I forgot to tell you but you and Alex's best man will sit there with us. Only if that's okay with you of course." she looked at me with a smiling face already knowing I can't say no to her.

Alright but I'm only doing this for you." I didn't really liked much attention on me. So sitting besides the braid made the people notice me probably too.

Rachel thanked me with a big hug. But now it was time to go home. I drove Rachel to her house and then drove to my home.

The next day I woke up really fucking early it was only 5 AM. That made my mood not the best but when I thought about why I was getting up so early I was excited again. I showered packed my things together and left to go to Rachel's.

I had sweats and an oversized hoodie on and my dress with me. When I got to Rachel it was 6 AM already. She wasn't a morning person either so she was just about to go get a shower when I arrived. Alex was already gone so that he won't bother us getting ready. And of course to not see his wife before the church. I told her to go shower and I decided to make pancakes for us all. Rachel's mother and unfortunately Sophie would come arrive here soon too.

Rachel was done with her shower and came downstairs again.

Oh Cate is smells so good in here. What did you make?" she asked smiling.

I made pancakes for us all. We need to have breakfast before the wedding will start."

You're an angel." she said and gave me a kiss on my cheek.

Soon Rachel's mother and Sophie came too. We ate the pancakes and the girl that was doing our makeup was there at 7 AM so we had enough time to get ready until 10 AM. We had to leave then to be on time at the church.

Rachel's mother was the first one getting her makeup done. She looked stunning she was a natural beauty. I think Rachel got that from her. Rachel herself was the next one. After she was done she was looked like the most beautiful woman I've ever seen. She was all in all perfect. Alex was really lucky to have her.

It was currently 9 AM. The makeup on Rachel was took a little more time than it was planned but we were still in time. Sophie begged to be the next one gettin ready. Since I didn't wanted to argue and it really wasn't a problem for me I let her. What I found out was a bad idea.

She was nearly done with her makeup when she looked in the mirror and said she didn't liked it and the girl needs to redo it. The girl told her that she can't do that because then she won't have time to do my makeup. Sophie said she didn't care about me.

I didn't wanted Sophie to ruin the whole day for everyone. Since Rachel was already in stress and pissed at Sophie. I just told the girl who did the makeup to redo Sophie and I just get ready myself. I needed to tell Rachel a thousand times that it's really okay for me.

So I went upstairs got Rachel's things got ready and was done at 9:45 AM. I wasn't that bad at doing my own makeup of course not as good as a professional makeup artist but it was okay. We needed to leave in 15 minutes so I got into my dress and went downstairs again.

My dress was a Long silk baby blue one. It was tight around my waist and then got a little flattery downwards. It has a slit on my leg so it would show a little. In this dress I could show off my well formed body that I trained for. I have a small waist and a good round shaped ass.

As I was walking downstairs I heard Rachel yelling „Holy shit you look hot as fuck." I laughed about her decisions of words. I shouted thank you back to her and couldn't believe my eyes when I saw her in her dress. She was really the most beautiful woman out there. She looked like a princess.

I told her so and she blushed a little and thanked me. After I saw her I even forgot the little drama with drama queen Sophie. I didn't wanted her to ruin this special day for me so I just ignored her the whole time.

We needed to leave now so we all got in the car. I was driving us there and later would just call a taxi to get me home.

On the way there Rachel said she gets more nervous every second. We all calmed her down and after a little time of talking and calming her nerves we were infront of the church.

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