"tae... the reports show you're good to go. so you can take the pups home today. they also look fine." hoseok says as he flips through pages on the clipboard.

"are you sure? you mean if I stand and walk around on my own, my intestines won't fall out."

hoseok chuckles, shaking his head.

"your intestines we're not going to fall out in the first place. you were already stitched up."

"you never know what could happen." taehyung sighs, tapping his feet on the ground.

"when will the babies be back?"

"soon. the nurses are attending to them. don't worry."

"okay." taehyung mumbles, biting his lip, "i don't know boyfie. i don't know how i'm gonna do this. i can't even take care of myself. what am i going to do with eight babies?" taehyung asks, tears filling his eyes.

"joohyun and i will he with you the whole time. you'll never walk alone. i promise."

"thank you. where's j anyway?"

"she's with the nurses."


"still haven't thought of names?"

"i don't know. i'm not good with naming."

"tae, we can't keep calling them baby one, two and stuff like that."

"if you hurry me, i can call them thick thighs and foodie, or maybe vanilla."

"fine. but think if something alright? what about hoseok? one of them can answer those names."

"no. you're too loud and scary when you get angry. i don't want that." taehyung says, shaking his head, "not that hoseok is not a good name. i'll think about it."



"but you promised hobi! what am i gonna do?!"

"we'll be back before you know it tae."

"how am i supposed to look after all of them?"

"we'll be back tomorrow. you can manage until then right?"

"i guess..." taehyung mumbles.

"come here." joohyun says as she takes taehyung into a hug.

"you wouldn't even know we're gone. i promise."

"i would. don't worry. i'll manage. don't let me ruin this for you. now go." taehyung said, ushering his two best friends out if the house.

he sighs as he slams the door shut, walking towards his bedroom.

it was the first time he was actually alone since he got back from the hospital.

on his own, with his babies.

he could definitely open a daycare if he survived the day.

he walked into his bedroom, where the babies lay.

it was the only bedroom in the house, and being a student, he did not have a lot of money.

his parents didn't even know he had children yet.

his mother would kill him if she found out. she would also wonder how he got pregnant.

there's no way he was telling her just yet.

as taehyung sat in his bed, he could hear a pup whining in his crib.

"baby, are you alright?" he asks, walking closer to the crib, lifting the pup in his arms.

the pup opens his eyes and closes them, the scary sound of bones breaking filling the room.

and in taehyung's arms the pup shifted to human.

the clothe used to wrap the baby's wolf frame was now loosened around the human frame.

taehyung stared wide eyed at the crying should, having no idea what to do.

it was the first time that the child had shifted since he was born.

he didn't know they were supposed to start shifting that early.

he began rocking the baby back to sleep, a million thoughts running through his head.

"is this normal?" he asks himself as he places the baby back in his crib after dressing him in human clothes and wrapping him up.

he returns to his bed, staring at the eight cribs that lined the wall.

"i'm sorry i'm your parent. i don't even know the first thing about having a child. forgive me. none if you was mistake. not a single one."

being pregnant was never in taehyung's agenda.

having eight children was never in the agenda even if he wanted a big family, he always thought about adopting.

having five boys and three girls wasn't in the plan, but his children, weren't a mistake.



how's it going?

both you and the book.

i'm asking.

so ya! i need ya help.

ya girl has problems with creativity so i have humbly come to ask for your help.

it's about our babies. yanno the eight children?

atp, they are all our children.

i dunno what to name them.

imma need name for eight of them.

place them accordingly please. one name per number.

then i think we'll have a vote is think or I'll just pick something? i dunno. the voting will happen if only you suggest.

or i could just go to Google. dunno.











please help me out. thank you very much!

'peace out💟

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