2.2K 101 11


tap the star to color it orange.

also!  lemme know how you're doing alright?

thank you!

off you go now.


two months later

taehyung was scribbling into his notebook when the front door pushed open.

"where are my favorite nieces and nephews?" a cheery voice called out.

some of the pups who were in their wolf forms ran towards the door, their tails wagging crazily.

some of them started yapping happily.

"yes. I missed you too!" joohyun says, booping their individual noses.

hoseok emerges from the kitchen after putting down the bags he carried.

"hey tae." he waves as he picks up hoseok and doyun from the floor. "yes babies. you missed your favorite uncle right? is that me?" he asks, kissing their foreheads.

"you guys. what brings you here?" taehyung asks, shutting his notebook.

"you don't want us around?"

"oh, no. not at all." taehyung says, sighing.

"so... should we leave?"

"no. that's not what I meant. I meant to say, I want you guys here. I'm just so busy with school work that I struggle with taking care of the pups. you know how bad I've had it these two months." taehyung says as Jiah gets onto his lap and lays down.

absentmindedly, he starts to caress her fur.

"I'm really sorry tae. I wish we were around more to help you out. I feel like we're bad friends now." joohyun says, looking at older hoseok.

"yeah. she's right. you have eight kids. it must be so hard."

"it would've been worse if I had no friends or if you guys weren't werewolves. how would you understand the kids? speaking of understanding kids, do you have any idea why yohan hasn't shifted yet?"

"yohan? to be honest, I think he's the most normal one amongst them all. even if the isn't the normal one. you understand what I'm saying?" hoseok asks, rising from the long couch.


"yohan is the only male omega in your family. male omegas are rare. him not shifting after a few months of birth is totally normal. hoseok and I didn't shift till we were both five years old."

taehyung nods understandingly, "I get it now. I'm gonna go lay her down." taehyung says, carrying jiah in his arms and rising from the chair.

he walks into the room, lays the pup in her crib, checks on the other kids and returns moments later.

he sits on the chair, sighing and closing his eyes.

"are you alright tae?" joohyun asks, walking closer to taehyung who just sighs again as joohyun runs her pale fingers through his hair.

"I'm fine." he mumbles, sitting up on the chair, "there's something I wanted to talk to you guys about."

"is something wrong?" hoseok asks, as he picks the now sleeping pups in his arms and walks towards taehyung's bedroom.

Mates and pups | GGUKTAEKOOK {O}Where stories live. Discover now