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"maybe i shouldn't have at all." jungkook says to himself, his palms rubbing his face.

"this is stupid. fuck." he mumbles.

a thought crosses his mind.

"we didn't do anything wrong. he's my mate. mates do this. together. we need to talk." jungkook says, the words sounding like he was attempting to comfort himself.

he stands from the chair, the leather making sounds of rising.

"tae!" he calls out, eyes searching for the said male and nose sniffing for his scent.

"tae!" he calls again, walking into the children's bedroom.

taehyung shushes him, rocking a child back to sleep in his arms.

he puts the baby back in the cot and walks out of the room, closing the door gently.

"look, take, we need to talk." jungkook says, grabbing taehyung's arm.

"there's nothing to talk about jungkook. i have to make bottles-"

"we can't just wave this off. something happened back there taehyung. you know it. we're mates! we can't keep avoiding each other like this!"

"and what if i want to?! huh? you think it's easy for me too?! you're not supposed to think that you'll waltz in here, help me for a few months and think that everything will be okay again. it isn't!"

"what do you mean? what do you want? we're truly trying. at this point, i don't know what you want from us anymore!"

taehyung sighs, rubbing his forehead.

"space. i need space, jungkook. the offer to end this bond of ours seems a bit too tempting right now." taehyung says, letting his arms fall to his side.

jungkook gasps, eyes wide.

taehyung walks away.


taehyung groans for the thousandth time that evening. he never meant to mention ending the bond between him and the twins.

he would never want to do that.

not that he loved them, he just cared for them more than he cared for any regular person.

and he was very much aware the pain they were going to experience while the ritual was happening. it wasn't just physical pain.

a knock sounds on the bedroom door and taehyung hurriedly sits on the bed.

has jungkook come to say he wanted them to end the bond?

he knew he was the one who suggested earlier but he didn't want this to end. whatever it was.

"taehyung. are you in there?" jungkook calls out from that other side of the door.

taehyung freezes. something was weird.

he called him taehyung. it was his name, that was correct but jungkook had started to call him tae. did he push him away so harshly?

his fingers fall on his lips and he feels tingles run up and down his spine at the memory of the kiss.

"i know you're in there. i also remember you said you wanted space but i need to head out. for a bit."

tears fill taehyung's eyes. his heart beats crazily in his chest.

jungkook wanted to leave. when he said he wanted space, he didn't mean he wanted jungkook to leave the house.

what had he done?

"I'll see you when I get back. okay?"

taehyung jumps off the bed and hurries to the door, pulling it open.

"where are you going?" he asks, his eyes travelling everywhere but jungkook's face.

"it's just... I've tried calling jeongguk and he's not picking up his phone. he's not answering my links either and... you also said you needed space. i wanna go look for jungkook. it has been a while since he left."

taehyung nods, biting his nails.

"be safe. I'll see you when you get back. I'll call boyfie..." he clears his throat, remembering how the twins hated him calling hoseok that name, "I'll call hoseok and joohyun to come stay with us for the mean time."

jungkook nods. "I'll head out now." he mumbles, walking away.


"hey, slow down." jeongguk says, stretching.

"they're alone with hoseok and joohyun! you're telling me to slow down?"

"they're fine."

"that's what we all thought when you left. look at you jeongguk! all beaten up. if you were human you'd probably be in the ER!" jungkook yells, fists clenched on his sides.

"thankfully, I'm not human. i promise you they're fine. we just need to get them out if the house for a while and we're good."

"how? taehyung wouldn't even look at me."

"he's just processing. come on! we've got this." jeongguk says, slinging an arm over jungkook's shoulder who shrugs it off immediately, rolling his eyes.

"I'm not in the mood." jungkook says, stomping away

"I'm your hurt brother. you're supposed to help me!" jeongguk yells, jogging to catch up to the other male.

"we need to get food for the kids, that's what. think of a way to protect our family and hurry the fuck home!"

"so aggressive. fine. home it is. let's go. don't be so upset with me. i didn't know i was gonna get ambushed." jeongguk says, nudging jungkook lightly on the side.

"you still did. you head home. I'll get the milk."

jeongguk sighs, nodding.

it wasn't like he had gone around looking for a fight. he had minded his business, heading to the supermarket.

it was pretty quick but a bunch of rogue wolves jumped him and beat him up.

he wasn't about to shift in tht middle of the road so he fought back as much as his human body could.

it was a lot but they were never ending, thereby hurting him.

thankfully, due to his true blood genes, his wounds were healing pretty quickly.

he tried not to panic as much as jungkook and think that something had happened to his mate and kids but now he was alone, he had a few minutes to think.

he broke into a sprint.

"no no no." he mumbled. the sight of blood all over the floor kept flashing in his mind.


oh hey~

what's up?

how are you guys?

miss me?

it really has been a while.

this is just kind of an announcement to show I'm back here and I didn't discontinue the book lol

no one really answers but really, how are you?

see you in the next update!


'peace out 💟

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