Chapter 6-My Beloved and The Escape

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*Tubbo's pov*

I made my way to the entrance of the dungeon, the sight of looking down the stairs was scary, I took in a deep breath, and went down the staircase with my hand brushing the cobble walls.

It was significantly colder down here then upstairs, but I didn't care I needed to find Ranboo, but without much of a light I couldn't see, it was so dim and my hair wasn't helping either.

"Ranboo?" I cautiously yelled, so guards couldn't hear me from above.

"T-Tubbo?! Is that you!" He said frantically.

I lifted my hair up so I could see better and followed where his voice came from.

I found the cell he was in, he looked so weak and helpless and the scars on his cheeks, my heart shattered in a million pieces.

I crouched down to his level while he sat on his knees tightly gripping the bars, I reached my hand out and cupped his cheek lightly rubbing it. He leaned into my touch and what sounded like purring came from him as he lightly grabbed my arm.

I lightly chuckle.

"I didn't know you purred" I said my face heating up, he looked up in surprise and shock and blushed.

"What are you talking about, Im not purring?!" He huffed and crossed his arms, I giggle.

"What ever you say...meow meow" I smirked and he just groaned in anger.

"Ok, we should get you out of here" I said standing up. I looked at the lock and hummed trying to think how to open it. I looked in my pockets to see if I had something, I pulled out a bobby pin, one of the maids I'm guessing.

I shrugged it off and tried to pin lock the lock, after many tries and many fails, I unlocked the cell, I swung the door open and tackled Ranboo in the biggest and tightest hug ever.

It felt amazing to be in his arms again, I felt him kiss the top of my head and rested his head on top of mine. I backed away from the hug.

"Lets go" I said and grabbed his hand, intertwining our fingers together leading him upstairs to the main floor, making sure to stay quiet. But before we left I had to go to one spot. The garden.

We made it there without being caught, Ranboo stopped in awe, I giggled and continued to walk on the path stopping at a spot I normally sit at by the pond.

I came here for a few reasons 1, to enjoy the last sight of my garden that I spent years working on, 2, to show Ranboo my favorite part of the castle and 3, to see Benson, I was debating whether or not to bring him with me, but decided to leave him here, it was to much of a risk to bring him, I didn't want Ranboo to get caught because of him or losing him or him dieing.

I heard his happy quack and saw him waddling up to me, rubbing up against me, tears threatened to fall and I let them, I mean this is the last time i'll see him.

"Aww don't cry Bo, it'll be ok" Ranboo said rubbing my back, I looked at him and did a weak smiled.

"I know it's just that Im going to miss Benson" I said looking back at Benson and pet him.

I sighed and stood up, Ranboo doing the same, I walked up to him wrapping my arms around his waist, Ranboo again doing the same but putting an allium behind my ear, I smiled but soon turned into a smirk.

"You know now that we're alone how about you give me that kiss~" I teased and Ranboo rolled is eyes leaning down to me our lips inches apart and he smirked.

"Maybe I will"

And with that, the gap between us closed, with a soft and passionate kiss, the feeling of his lips on mine was amazing, it felt like time stopped, im happy we had our first kiss here in the garden, my favorite place in the world.

We broke apart for air, breathing heavily, I craved more of his lips, it was something about them that I wanted more of.

I quickly reattached our lips enjoying every second of it and we broke apart staring into each others eyes, I smiled widely and buried my face in his chest, and he hugged back.

"I see your excited" He said chuckling.(nothing inappropriate!!!!just keep reading to see what I mean!!!)

I let go and looked at him confused till he pointed to my tail, swaying back and forth rapidly, I blushed from embarrassment, how could I forget about my own tail!?

"Lets just go" I said pushing past him and he just chuckled and followed.

We made it out of the castle with out getting caught, we made it to the tree line of the surrounding forest, we were about to enter when we heard a very angry Shlatt obviously drunk, yelling at some poor innocent human, I felt bad but walked into the forest with Ranboo at my side.
911 words

Thank you for reading this chapter! Im planning on writing another story when I finish this one! So if you want to give me some ideas and au's for a new story, that will be amazing! Love you, bye!

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