I looked at the roof as my friends angry faces hadn't left my mind. I even imagined Gwen crying. Someone was recording us and we couldn't follow him or her. We couldn't even see their faces. The scent it left behind was weird being that it teleported away. I remember all people and beings I come in contact. Their scents are memorized. But this scent I don't now it. Maybe someone who hates Savannah? Or someone who hates me?

I groaned out and I heard a ding on my phone. Then multiple dings. I felt completely confused. I grabbed my phone and saw so many messages starting to come forth. Keith. Raven. Esmeralda. A few from school. Ashley. Michael. Maxwell. Harold. Jeremy. Even my dad. What's going on? The door slams open and I see a pissed of Savanna. I sat up confused but I am pissed off this time as my door cracks a bit by the sheer force she does.

"I have warned you many fucking times... Knock before entering my room..." I snapped at her

"How dare you?" She snarls out

"What? What is in your mind now? You are always arguing with me about everything" I tell her as I scratch my eyes

"You hired some fuck tard to follow us and record every argument until you found the right one and publicly sent it to the whole god-damned city!" She snaps at me again

I looked at her even more confused "Girl did something get lose in your brain? You have all access to E.V.E.R.Y.T.H.I.N.G."

Her face turns red and she shows me the screen of her phone. It was the recording that the man did. Oh my god. Why did he do this? For what purpose? Oh my God Gwen must have seen this. She must be pissed right now. Fuck. I looked up at Savannah with confusing and terrified eyes. If the deal is off. I have to protect Gwen from her. She is very dangerous. Gwen is just human. The dude who did this will hear from me.

"Are you fucking sure you didn't do this?" She asked again but louder

I stand up completely pissed of and with the most serious voice I answered her "Yes... We chased after the guy... You didn't recognize his scent... Neither did I recognize his scent... So get it in your thick head..."

"I hired him..." A voice is heard by my window

There standing was a long time friend Lev "Who the hell are you?"

"I am an old friend of Julian... My name is Lev..." He says calmly and with a smile

"Who do you think you are to ruin my plans?" Savannah says pissed off

"I am Lev... Ruining people's wicked plans are my specialty" he says with a chuckle

"What?" She shrieks in anger

"Lev why did you do it? I thought you didn't want to now anything about me for more than a hundred years" I asked confused

Lev and I had an argument in the past. In which he promised to never see me again in the next hundred years. He got so mad at me that it hurt me a lot. He was my first friend. Someone I called brother. He would protect me. As well as I protected him. He and I would have gone to so many places. But I lost that because of my own actions.

"I invited him for what I thought was a good wedding..." I hear dad's voice behind me

"D-Dad?" I felt confused now

"Sir... Oh no..." She whispered lowly

"Lev here is one rare vampire you see... He is also an Empath... He can feel others emotions as well as see into someone's mind when the emotions are jumbled up... Can assist in changing emotions or assist in resting..." Dad explained gently

I looked at him as he smiled "It wasn't your fault... My abilities were jumbled... Out of control and I caused so many problems but now I can control my ability better..."

"Lev here... Saw Savannah and saw the darkness in her heart... So he warned me... I allowed him to contact a good friend he met to follow both of you..." Dad explained I turn to look at him amazed but he continues "When we found out the truth I was going to come speak with you... But Lev here acted on his own and sent the recording to everyone in the city... Including Gwen"

"I did see that human... Gwen... She has such a pure and innocent emotions... But had darkened by a heartbreak... But I spy'd a little out of fun and saw more and more of her emotions... But something in her is glowing so soon YOU will find out" Lev says as he pointed at me

"A human and a vampire... Oh please... That will just ruin the pure blood lineage... A hybrid among the pure bloods... Disgusting..." Savannah says disgusted

"Get the fuck out!" I snapped at her

Father is surprised. So did Lev. Even Savannah looked surprised. My tone changed a bit. But deep inside me. The way she called my future child disgusting. It pissed me of. But then I realized what I have thought. A future child. A child with Gwen. I looked back to ask Lev what is this emotion as Empath now more about emotions than one's self. But he was gone. My dad had grabbed Savannah by the arm and started pulling her out. She tried pleading about it but there is evidence. She did so much. I clenched my jaw tightly as I felt completely annoyed. I can't believe this.

Will Gwen be in trouble? What should I do if Savannah sends a lackey? What do I do if Savannah sends a hitman? Will she attack Gwen? Will she ruin Gwen's life publicly then in the vampire world? Keith appeared out of nowhere and grabs my arms. A cheeky smile is on his face. I stared at him confused until I realized. I tried escaping his grasp before he teleports but I fell face first to a hard concrete floor.

I complained but I felt anger as I turn to him and yelled "What the hell was that for?"

"Get ready!" He says as someone throws a piece of cloth to my head

I turn to look and noticed Alex and Jacob. They had smiles on their faces. I felt confused so I grabbed the piece of cloth and noticed the vest I bought to match with Gwen at this Graduation party. Its costume kind of thing so I got the white dress she stared at the last time we went dress shopping. But I made sure to get it in black as I didn't have the heart to stare at her in white. I would have literally proposed to her right in front of everyone. But was it a bad idea. Something lands in front of .e and I noticed the box.

How did they find it? I hid it so well. I grabbed it oh so gently as I opened it. Revealing a beautiful ring. Simply clear heart shaped diamond with two smaller hearts holding on to it as the the rest is made out of pure silver. I wanted it to be gold but a simple gold ring will do for our wedding. Here I am thinking all this all over again.

"We know the truth..." Keith spoke first

I froze and say "What do you mean?"

"You used Gwen as a escape goat with that ugly vampire girl..." Jacob says

Alex continues "Then you both actually showed your true emotions... Remember... We are your friends we will always help you and annoy the hell out of you"

"But you have to remember... If you really love something fight for it... When you let her go she came back to you... But you broke her even more" Keith tells me this time

My heart tore apart at that. I clutched the box strongly as my mind went back to our laughing moments. Seeing her smile. Seeing her laugh. See her fall asleep next to me. Have a mental breakdown. I saw her angry moments. Her funny moments. When we pranked each other for years. When we helped each other. I was in love with that fool years back but I broke her heart thanks to Mitsuki. But Gwen was still there to help me when I needed it or when I asked for it. She never asked for anything in return. Even if she says it she would never accept it.

Look at everything I bought for her and she kept the one with most memorable moments together. She kept everything that involves us.

"Tonight... You will make everything right" Alex spoke calmly

I closed the box and say "I will..."

I will make everything right.

I Kissed a BoyWhere stories live. Discover now