We made it safe and sound to the river. It was very large. It is the weekdays so it's empty at the moment. She rushes forward to see the beautiful clear waters. Next time I'll book us a trip to another location of the world. It would be completely fun. I did my very best to get the cooler out of the trunk and I looked at her taking off the loose dress she has. She chose one of her house outfits. Plain color. It was a light blue dress. She uses it for regular things. Shopping. House work. Sometimes forgets and uses it to sleep. 

I hear a splash and I looked back in panic. Gwen is nowhere to be seen. My eyes wide open and I placed the cooler down. I made it to the ledge and I saw her on her back floating with a big smile on her face. Her two piece showing all her skin. I was going crazy with this woman. My emotions are getting stronger and I am even acting weird with her. I need to be more myself around her. She opened her eyes slowly and looked at me. She smiled at me as she placed her body under water. Only her head was above it. 

She was waving at me to get in and I just smiled I got the cooler and went down the path reaching to the rock formation. It has a good flat surface and has some height to it. Not to high to leave our things alone but enough for me to walk one step down and reach the water. It only touched my toes. It was cold. How can she swim like this? I am hating this completely. I looked back and remembered about the car. Damn. I walked back and closed the car. Grabbing the keys I hid my wallet and made sure to place the alarm when everything is fully closed. 

I know nothing will happen as this isn't my first time coming here even more when I came alone to swim the stress away. But it is always good to make sure everything is closed and hidden. I looked around and saw nobody. Heard nothing. So I walked back with the towel in hand just for in case. I am going leave the keys on top of the towel with one fold so the phone doesn't reheat. Phone and keys near just in case. I made sure everything is out of my pockets. I removed my shirt and placed it by the towel. 

It took me like five steps for me to get to the water. I sat down as Gwen swam towards me. She looked like a crocodile ready to attack. It was funny. I am in danger. She held my hand and I just smiled. I felt the warning at the back of my mind but me being myself I just felt hypnotized by her eyes. The water is a bit cold. It was something I now I will regret. She gets her feed against the rock by my own feet. She leans in a bit and I lean also. But that was the wrong move. I gasped in shock as I felt the sudden tug. Then I felt cold water against my skin and it wanted to scream but I am underwater. I opened my eyes to see her blurry feet vanishing. She is swimming away.

I resurfaced gasping for air as she had taken me by surprise I still need to breath. I looked around and noticed the slight shape under the surface. Her head slowly pops up and she literally made me remember how shark boy re-surfaced when Max was fishing. I swallowed a lump and she went down. I looked around in panic. I couldn't even try sensing her as there is a few fishes and some type of shrimp. I felt something near me and I placed my face close to the water to try at least to see if I could see her but the sun's reflection is not helping. 

Suddenly I felt her by my body an then her face appears and her lips touch mine. I just laughed at her attempt to scare me but still give me a kiss. I was worried about her dragging me down the water. I smiled at her as she was staring into my eyes. She looks scared. I felt confused but then I noticed the reflection in her eyes. My eyes were red. My vampire side is taking over. I looked away as I started rubbing my eyes. This is going to be worried some. I don't know how things will end. I don't want her finding out about my true ability yet. She gets in front of me and grabs hold of my face and looks straight into my eyes. 

I stared directly at her eyes and I noticed my eyes back to normal "What happened to your eyes?"

"N-Nothing happened... It must have been a reflection" I tried to lie 

I tried looking away but she holds me tightly and I looked at her surprised "But they changed colors... How did that happen? Nobody has ever had red eyes before... How did yours change?"

I swallowed the growing lump and say "It must have been the water or a reflection"

She is looking at me with big eyes and I just felt so worried and scared as she just speaks again "I have never seen water do things like that... You are hiding something and you aren't telling me!"

"You are not ready yet... Its a reflection thing..." I tells her as I lowered her hands 

She looks at me with big eyes as she looks worried "Are you sick?"

I swallowed a lump so I continued it "Yeah but don't worry... It must have been something from the radiation maybe... I can't say exactly but I'll explain everything once I have everything"

"I HOPE I HAVEN'T INTERRUPTED ANYTHING SEXY!" I hear Lev's voice above us 

We look to the side and noticed my friends and Lev waving at us. Laughing at our surprised faces. I felt a punch on my arm and I looked at Gwen confused as I rubbed my arm. It didn't hurt at all but I got to keep up the human act with her. I never expected this to keep up. Humans are very easy to lie to but I don't want to lie to her. I need to schedule a date with something special and just tell her everything. Tell her the truth about our kind. Our existence. Tell her about every other species. I don't want to keep her in the dark anymore. I could see her lips quivering but she inhales deeply and punched me again. Making me laugh a bit as she almost missed me. 

"You should have told me you weren't feeling well... Tell me next time" she tells me a bit mad but I could see how worried she is 

I smiled warmly at her and I say "You'll be the first to now"

We hear a splash the water ripples and we got our faces slapped with water. it made us laugh as another splash happened and that's where we noticed that they jumped from where they stood. I think Lev is the one getting everything ready. I looked to the right side and saw them surface and start to laugh. Gwen swims their way. Raven smiles at Gwen. They were excited to start chatting. Keith had gave me a gentle push and laughed at me. I know why he is laughing and all I could do was smile. 

Wait. How did they know we would be here? 

I Kissed a BoyWhere stories live. Discover now