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Give me some comments, I have a bad day

Lottie is a really nice girl, she talks a lot, but she is really nice. He has been with the girl for an hour until James came to the garden to announce that dinner was ready. Louis didn't come back. During dinner itself the boy with the blue eyes didn't really talk either and he left the table the second he finished after excusing himself.

So the rest of the evening Harry spent in the middle of the boring conversation from his parents with Jay and Mark. When he wanted to take his phone to text Jonathan, his mother gave him an angry glare and he didn't dare to touch his phone after.

He is still bothered though that for some reason he pissed off Louis and he really wants to fix it.

With an excuse of having to go to the toilet, Harry sneaks upstairs where he saw Louis go and it isn't that difficult to figure out which room he is in as it is written in golden cursive letters.

Harry knocks and a few seconds later Louis is there to open the door.

"What's up, Harry?" Louis changed into a comfortable pair of grey joggers and a black shirt.

"I was just... I wanted to hang out?" Harry sounds uncertain and his voice is little. Louis' face expression softens immediately.

"Sure, come in. You must have been bored with our parents. Sorry I ditched you. You can take place wherever." Harry follows the boy inside and takes place on the couch that is put in front of his bed.

"It's alright. You and Jonathan is none of my business. I shouldn't have said that." Harry apologises.

Louis gives him a small smile and takes place next to Harry.

"I was thinking..." Harry keeps talking. "I mean, I am friends with Jonathan but I really want to be friends with you as well. You seem very cool and whatever happened between the two of you in the past, it's none of my business and it shouldn't influence my relationship with you guys. I can't hang out tomorrow because I already promised but you said you wanted to spend more time with me..." Harry nervously plays with his fingernails.

"Yes..." Louis says with an expecting tone.

"So I was thinking maybe we could hang out tonight..."

"We are hanging out tonight, curly." Louis chuckles, putting his legs on Harry's lap. "That's actually what we are doing right now."

"But I mean tonight tonight as in sneaking out of the house and go to the beach maybe?" Harry gives Louis an uncertain look because he has no idea if Louis likes this kind of stuff or if he is someone that always correctly follows the rules.

"You're sneaky, aren't you?" Louis grins before taking a sip of his can of coke.

"We don't have to if you don't want it. I just thought it might be fun." Harry has no clue how this is going. Maybe Louis hates him even more.

"It is fun." Louis agrees. "Just didn't take you as someone who sneaks out in the middle of the night mister I read books on the beach."

"Hey! Reading books doesn't describe me as a person." Harry reacts fake offended.

"No, I think your suggestion you just made does though." Louis teases, removing his legs from the other boy's lap.

"Well then so does the fact that you agreed to it, doesn't it?" Harry teases back, starting to be more confident around the boy.

Louis laughs and shakes his head as he throws the can in the bin.

"I guess it does, Curly."

Their conversation gets interrupted by a knock on the door.

"Mister Tomlinson, have you seen mister Styles?" James' voice sounds.

"Yeah, he is here with me. You need him?" Louis asks, not bothering to open the door.

"Miss and Mister Styles would like to go home and request Harry to join them."

"Alright, James. Tell them he'll be down in a minute."

Louis walks over to his desk and takes a black marker, writing something on Harry's arm.

"This is my number. Text me when you escaped mommy's house." Louis gives Harry a wink and opens the door for the boy.

"Make sure you haven't fallen asleep. You seem like a boy that needs his beauty sleep."

"Oh, are you calling me beautiful then?" Louis smirks.

"I didn't mean, like, it is, I just..." Harry stutters and Louis laughs.

"It's alright, Curly. I think you are beautiful too." Louis has a flirty smile on his face and Harry can feel his stomach turn. He is also pretty sure that his cheeks can be confused with tomatoes.

"Thank you." Harry mumbles, his eyes locked on the wooden floor from Louis' room.

"You're welcome, pretty boy." Louis' eyes are trying to capture Harry's and when it happens Harry just feels like exploding. Louis' eyes are so fucking gorgeous. Boys like Louis are literally the reason why Harry is gay.

"Aw, no need to blush." Louis keeps teasing as he takes a step closer to Harry. "You should really go downstairs now. Can't let mommy wait now, can we?" Louis breathes into Harry's ear.

"And the sooner you leave now, the sooner you'll be back here to start our night adventures. Don't let me wait too long, Curly." Louis pushes Harry lightly out of the door and gives him a wink before closing it.

And Harry literally stares at the door for at least a minute before he realises what's happening to him. God, not a silly crush on a straight guy again.

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