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I personally like this chap, let me know what u think

To say that Harry had imagined his first visit to the United States of America differently is an understatement. The only thing he has done is sitting on a terrace from a bar that's way too expensive only to watch Louis kill his time by ordering margaritas and playing games on his phone.

"Literally yesterday we were friends you know." Harry breaks the silence that has been going on for the last 3 hours.

"That's in the past, isn't t?" Louis' eyes don't leave his screen.

"Have a proper conversation with me, Louis." Harry sighs. "Because I don't get it. Everything was alright, we had an amazing time that night, talked, laughed and I really thought we had a connection."

"Why don't you take your phone and have a proper conversation with your boyfriend." His voice sounds bored and Harry can hear the annoying sound of candy crush playing.

"Why don't you just drop your phone and have a proper conversation with me?"

Louis groans and puts his phone in his pocket.

"So, what do you want? Because you are giving me a headache. Wait, before you start to speak let me at least order another margarita." Louis waves at the waiter and within 2 minutes he is sipping again.

"What happened? Why do you hate me? Is it really because I'm gay?" Harry has taken all his courage to ask this question. It results to a Louis that spits out his drink.

When Louis is about to answer, his phone rings. He checks the caller ID.

"It's my mom, I have to pick up." He announces.

"Hey mom."

"I'm in a bar with Harry."

"No, not that far from there actually no, why?"

"Are you kidding me? Mom, no!" Louis whines

"Alright, I'm paying the bill and we're on our way. Give us 15 minutes."

Louis ends the phone call and finishes his drink at once after he asked the bill.

"Why the rush?" Harry asks confusedly.

"We have to check in here in a resort. Our dads are still in a meeting and we won't be back in Nassau before it gets dark. My mom thinks it's too dangerous to go by boat when it's dark so we're staying overnight. Our moms already bought extra clothes and stuff."

"Overnight? Seriously? I wanted to meet up with Jonathan." Harry sighs.

Louis rolls his eyes. "You can survive one night without your boyfriend, Harry, promised."


As promised the boys arrived at the resort within 15 minutes. Their mothers, Lottie and Niall were already there and it was time to go for dinner. Right after dinner everybody went to their own room.

And Harry doesn't get why he can't fall asleep. He hasn't properly slept in a while and now he finally has the chance, there is no way he has a meet up tonight but he still can't. His brain is overthinking about Louis being homophobic and it's honestly hurting him. It's strange to see this whole other side from the boy. Yes Harry is attracted to him, Louis looks really good and he also thought that he was an amazing person but the second part he is slowly doubting.

At three o'clock Harry is done. He can't stand the walls from his fancy hotel room that seems to come closer and closer to him and the sheets that feel like they are burning his skin. He needs to get out for a walk or something. He grabs a pair of sweatpants and puts it over his boxers before he goes out.

The hotel they are staying is huge and Harry has no clue where he is going but at one point he is at this really big swimming pool and the lights in it are gorgeous so Harry decides to take off his slippers and enjoy the water around his feet. He knows he isn't allowed to enter the water now but it's not like somebody is around.

At least that's what he thought.

"You know you can't use the pool after 10 right." Shivers do down Harry's spine when he hears that voice whispering in his ear and it makes him fall in the pool.

Louis can't help but laugh when he sees a pouty Harry but when he really looks he sees that he is shirtless and his hair is sticking against his forehead and it's just hot.

"You know you shouldn't let people scare when they are near water. I could have drowned." Harry overreacts but he likes being dramatic sometimes.

"You wouldn't." Louis shakes his head.

"How do you know then?"

"I would have saved you."

Harry's heartbeat is going faster and his mouth gets dry. But he has to remember himself that Louis has been a dick all day. He can't just be normal to him again without knowing a reason why he was the way he was.

"I think honestly you would have kept my head underwater, the way you have been acting all day."

Louis' smile fades and he looks down in the water.

"It's just hard for me." Louis finally opens up.

"What's hard for you? Me being gay?"

"Harry stop thinking that I'm homophobic." Louis groans and rolls his eyes. "It's hard for me that you are doing stuff and being in a relationship with the one person I truly despise and it just feels wrong okay? We are friends and I hate Jonathan and I'm kind of alright that you are friends with Jonathan but I'm not alright that I literally hear the two of you fuck in his room. You can do whatever you want, but it kind of feels like you are betraying me and it hurts."

"Wait you heard what?" Harry's mouth drops.

"Don't act innocent, Styles. I heard a lot of noise in his room and when the two of you came downstairs you were literally fixing your shirt and your hair was a mess and Jonathan was shirtless. I'm not stupid." Louis looks at the water and his arms are crossed. He is sitting now on the edge like Harry was earlier.

Harry swims up to Louis and lifts up his chin, seeing that his blue eyes are watery.

"Nothing happened between Jonathan and I, Lou." Harry uses his most sincere voice. "We are just friends that were literally having a pillow fight like five year olds." Harry laughs lightly and honestly it makes Louis soft.

"You are not dating?"

Harry shakes his head.

"No, Lou we're not." He assures. "And you are not homophobic then?"

Louis rolls his eyes and shakes his head.

"Why would I be homophobic, Harry? Just because my father is doesn't mean I am. No, I'm not." Louis assures. "Why did you think that, love?"

"Because you were mean to Jonathan and he is bisexual and then you start being me when I came out to all of you and..."

Louis drops himself in the water and pushes Harry softly against the board of the swimming pool.

"Does this look homophobic to you, Harry?"

His face comes closer and it doesn't take long for Louis to close the gap between them, pressing his lips against Harry's. His tongue softly licking Harry's until he gets entrance.

And Harry is sure that his heart is going to beat out of his chest. 

Sunkissed skin and summer love (Larry book 1)Where stories live. Discover now