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Here is a chap (: 

"Don't play with my feelings, Lou." Harry has a lump in his throat. "Please don't say things that you don't mean."

"I'm not. I'm in love with you, Curly, 100% sure I am utterly in love with you, my baby." Louis' hand is playing with the small hairs in Harry's neck, his forehead still resting against Harry's while tears are falling down his cheeks. "And I'm so sorry for not telling you before and for ever giving you the feeling that you are just a game to me, or some kind of entertainment. You are not. I care about you with whole my heart. You are the most precious person I've ever met. I like you, I trust you and my heart decided to fall in love with every single piece of you; the way that your curls always smell like strawberries, how your eyes are shining when you get complimented, your sweet dimples, how soft your lips are every time I kiss them."

Harry is shaking and he buries his head in Louis' shoulder.

"I'm sorry for not hearing you out before and just judging you from Jonathan's story. It's easier to protect yourself I guess than let yourself completely fall and I realise now that it was already too late. I fell in love with you the first time I looked into your eyes, Louis. I've always had a thing for you and every night I felt myself falling harder and harder."

Louis smiles when Harry puts his head up again. The curly boy smiles back and Louis leans in, softly pressing his lips on Harry's plumber pair.

It's different than the many other kisses they have shared. It's like they both want to prove their feelings to each other, want to put their love into it, showing the other how much they mean.

"What about next week? When school is there again and we are way too far away from each other? What will happen, Lou?" Harry asks after the kiss.

"Distance is not going to rip us apart, Haz I refuse to let that happen. It won't be a bad thing, I promise. It's only ten months and we can visit each other during the holidays we have right? Ten months and summer is there again and I'll be 18 and you'll be 18 a few months later and we'll go to university together, I'll have my own money and everything will be so much easier because I won't depend on my father. Those ten months apart will make every time we see each other extra special, I promise. I've never fallen in love with someone before Haz and I don't think I will feel this way again. It was difficult for me to accept that you're a boy but fuck we've been fighting for two days now and it's horrible and I just don't want us to be separated like that again. I can't stand you being angry with me, I can't stand us not talking to one another. We've met for a reason Harry and that's the one thing I will think about every time I miss you. It will be hard but I'm willing to fight if you are..."

And Harry has the biggest smile on his face, tears are falling down his cheeks like crazy but his smile is shining, outstanding and Louis thinks it's absolutely beautiful when Harry is happy.

"I want to give this a try, us a try. We can survive. You are right, the first ten months will be hard but after them when we can go to uni together and share a dorm, have everything together."

Louis takes Harry's hand in his own, smiling as he watches how their fingers just fit perfectly together.

"Do you want to try this for real? Like everything I just said? Do you want to give us a chance?" Louis' thumb is rubbing over Harry's palm and he is scared to look the younger boy in the eyes.

"I've been in love with you for at least a month, Lou... and really I want to be with you but what do we know about each other? I'm just scared that we will jump into this without knowing each other well enough if that makes sense and the last thing I want is to lose you forever just because we were being reckless. Long distance will be fucking hard as it is because honestly Lou what have we been doing? Yeah we talked about stuff but mainly we just made out and got off and that's not something we will be able to do when we are at home and also I don't want it to be the base of our relationship and..."

Louis giggles, interrupting Harry's speech. He kisses the front of Harry's hand while staring into his eyes.

"I'll book us a hotel tonight. Not to fool around or to make out if that's what you think. We can just lie there in peace, cuddle, talk, eat too much food that's way too expensive... If that's the thing that's stopping you my love, we can talk all night. I want to get to know everything about you and you can ask me whatever you want. I want this, baby."

This time it's Harry that leans in, pressing his lips on Louis' while his hands are wrapped around Louis' tiny body.

"Can't wait for tonight." Harry whispers against Louis' lips, his hands still resting on Louis' hips.

"So you're accepting my offer?" Louis stares right into Harry's eyes, their lips still brushing against each other.

"hm, I missed you and the attention you give me."

Louis chuckles before kissing Harry passionately again. He can't get enough from the boy's lips.

"Go home now and get ready. I'll pick you up at seven alright? Want to treat my boy with a good dinner."

"Home made?" Harry smirks.

"I hate you." Louis murmurs, hiding his face in the crook of Harry's neck.

"I don't believe anything of that."

"Good, because I don't. I'm actually very much in love with you and your curls."

"My curls and I are very much in love with you too, Lou." 

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