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Enjoy my babies, don't forget to comment. 

After the boys ate their pizza and watched a movie, they are all pretty wasted but for sure Louis hasn't spend five minutes without a bottle glued to his lips.

"Let's play some games." Niall suggests. "Never have I ever. I have the app on my phone and it gives random statements."

"I don't think that's a good idea, Ni." Jonathan says. "We can watch another movie maybe or play monopoly. Harry here loves to play monopoly." Jonathan jokes.

Harry gives him a playful slap flips him off.

"Why don't you want to play, Jonathan? Have stuff to hide?" Louis slurs.

"I don't know, do you Louis?" Jonathan bites back but not too rudely.

"Nothing to hide."

"Alright, let's start!" Niall says full of excitement. He takes his phone and starts reading.

Never have I ever had a threesome.

Nobody except for Niall takes a sip, Louis giving him a fist bump and a proud nod.

"I don't even want to know, Niall." Jonathan shakes his head.

Never have I ever did something in public.

Everybody takes a sip and Louis bites his lip when he watches Harry. He really wants to know what he did.

Never have I ever masturbated while somebody else was in the room.

Again only Niall drinks and Louis gives him a strange look.

"Please don't tell me when I was in the room."

"It's not my mistake that you sleepover so many times, mate. I have needs." Niall shrugs.

"You're gross." Louis shakes his head. "Now read the next one."

Never have I ever made out with someone of the same sex.

Both Harry and Jonathan take their bottles and drink it. Louis nervously plays with his fingernails when they see them both drink and he stares at his bottle.

"Oh, tell us the story boys! Did you make out with each other?" Niall wiggles his eyebrows.

"Not yet." Jonathan winks. "And my story isn't that interesting. He was just a douche and it didn't really last."

"Well I'm gay so it's a recurring thing." Harry jokes and Louis' eyes are literally going to roll out.

"You're gay?" he asks, eyes burning on the curly lad.

"Out and proud." Harry smiles.

"At least someone in this room that can embrace themselves." Jonathan smirks giving Louis a dirty look.

"What do you mean Jonah?"

"I don't know, tell me Lou."

Harry can feel the tension building up again and it's not a good thing. Louis is clearly very drunk and Jonathan isn't sober either and Harry has no clue what they are hiding but it's very clear that Niall can't know and he is pretty sure one of them will say something they regret if they keep hanging out.

"Maybe we should split up for the end of the night." Harry suggests. "I mean, we've spent some good amount of time together now didn't we."

"That's a great idea." Jonathan puts his arm around Harry. "You can babysit your drunk friend and I'll have some fun with Harry." He says to Niall.

Louis is biting the inside of his cheek, doing his best not to start screaming at the boy.

"What do you think, Louis? You can choose." Niall turns over to his best friend who has apparently found another bottle of beer.

"I don't mind, whatever. Harry here clearly wants to spend some time alone with Jonathan so who am I to get in between right?" his jaw is clenched and he puts his empty bottle on the table with a smack. "They are probably going to make out and I don't want to witness that."

"Oh yeah, forgot you are raised by homophobes." Jonathan snaps when Niall is in the kitchen to get Louis a bottle of water to sober up.

"At least I am raised like a gentleman and not a caveman like you are." Louis spits back.

"Are you calling yourself a gentleman? Because the only thing I see you as is an asshole, Tomlinson."

"Good thing coming from you because it's not like I care about your unvalued opinion."

"Guys, stop." Harry comes in between. "No need to fight like this."

"Also no need to come in between, Harry." Louis snaps. "Just go upstairs with Jonathan already like you wanted. I'm not stopping you. Have fun getting each other off."

Harry wants to answer that no, he is not going to get off with Jonathan, he just wanted to keep peace between everybody but Jonathan speaks up first.

"Oh we will have fun, Tomlinson." Jonathan grabs Harry's wrist and drags him upstairs.

"I really want to know what's going on between you and Louis." Harry says when they are upstairs.

"Going on? Totally nothing, he's just an asshole that's going on. Let's not talk about him, he is not worth it. So, you are gay?" Jonathan has a smile on his face and studies Harry's face.

"I am." The curly boy confirms. "What about you?"

"Bisexual I think, but I'm not really sure. I don't have much experience with guys and the one I had was a bit dramatic so I don't know. I never had the chance to really be with a great guy I guess."

Harry nods understandingly.

"First I was also like gender doesn't matter, it's about the person but I can't help but prefer a person with a dick I can suck." Harry chuckles.

Jonathan laughs as well and then randomly throws a pillow at Harry.

"What the fuck mate?" Harry laughs.

"I want to do a pillow fight." Jonathan smirks. Harry quickly gets another pillow and they start to beat each other with it until it's 00:30.

"I have to go now." Harry says. "Have to be back at 1 and I don't want to be late."

"Sure, I'll walk you out."

Jonathan, who is shirtless because he got hot during the fight, walks downstairs with Harry and they pass Niall and Louis in the living room.

"Bye guys! Tonight was fun." Harry smiles at both of them.

"It really was!" Niall agrees. "You're always free to come over, Harry. "

Louis doesn't say a word and Harry gets nervous when he feels a pair of blue eyes burning on him, watching him from head to toe and then watching Jonathan.

He doesn't say a word and turns his face to the screen again.

Harry honestly can't wait to talk to him because Louis has been acting really strange. 

Sunkissed skin and summer love (Larry book 1)Where stories live. Discover now