The Snow.

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Word count: 1059


Pov: I had finished a groggy morning of training and showered, sat down in the compound's library and read until I ran out of hot chocolate. I got up to make more then my eyes diverted towards the windows.


I bound into Loki's bedroom, book and empty mug in hand from my previous activities. His head shot up from his own book, only to relax again when seeing it was me, his glazed blue eyes holding no guard. The edge of his lips began to curl at the sight of my excitement.
"Hello, Love," he said, striding towards me, "I thought you were-"
"Look out the window!" I hinted, eagerly to distract the god of my growing butterflies at the use of the pet name. He obliged, unaware, scanning the vast grounds of the avenger's compound that his bedroom overlooked.

Stars of ice coated the edges of the windows, turning the once translucent glass, partly opaque. Sparkling white diamonds hid the exterior window ledge from sight; more distantly, a blanket of heaven's sunlit glitter cloaked the whole scene. Multiple tree branches bowed at the added weight being carried while others held up high, bare. The pathway was no longer recognisable, shielded by water's artistic form, alike all else. The sky was painted with clouds, the sun continuously radiating through.

Loki turned his head back to me after placing my mug and book on the side table; his eyebrows were slightly furrowed and mouth slightly agape. He was in awe. Of course he had seen the scenery in Jotunheim but it was dull in comparison to the sight before him.

Jotunheim was ill-lit and overcast with awry and rutted ground that made every step, to an outsider, overwhelmingly uneasy. A constant mist refusing to settle and the towering structures looked as if they could close in at any unconjecturable time.

"Come" I ordered playfully, taking a grip of his hand and tugging him elsewhere.


As soon as the door opened, we were hit with a fresh, clean wind. I felt the tip of my nose tint a vivid red at the upheaval. My breath came out in a cloud persistently, due to the fact I ran Loki as fast as my feet would take him, to show the snow, though we did have a rushed encounter with an evidently confused Tony.
I swivelled around energetically and began walking backwards, footsteps interrupting the serene silence. His face was a picture. It held a bewildered expression, eyebrows knitted together and lips pursed. I watched as he glanced in my direction. Nodding my head, I seemed to have gifted him what he was looking for.

He held back for no more than a swift moment longer and started making his way into the thick sheathe. Slowly, at first, but followed through with running up behind me to lift and spin my light frame in circles. I let out an unexpected yelp and laughed along with the prince's elated chuckle. "Put me down, you mutt!" Doing as asked, he gently placed me down into the soft snow and rotated my body to face him yet again.

"It's beautiful," he beamed, "thank you."
I couldn't quite figure out what he was thanking me for but I took my chance, seeing his disorientation. I slipped from his grasp, bent down collecting a handful of snow and, as swiftly as I could, bunched it up, rose and with a flick of my wrist, it ended up splattered on the top of his head.

His jaw dropped and his gaze diverted back to me.
I ran.
I ran to the closest shelter I could find, which happened to be a bench resembling those you would find at a public park. Gaps and all. Damn Stark and his designing.
Before I could reach my safety, a snowball was hurled at my back, making a deep THWACK as it hit me. I dived behind the bench to avoid any more that may be heading my way.

I took a breather and when I plucked up the courage to peek around the side, I saw Loki with a smirk on his face and a tower of snowballs already formed by his side.

"Oh shit"

Without thinking, I made a run for the compound but the masses of snowballs in pursuit we're inevitable. The last of the lot hit me directly in the temple causing me to hurdle towards the ground. Before I could hit it, a flash of green magic appeared below me and I was caught in the trickster's arms that had snaked their way around my waist. I felt the low rumble running through his body as he laughed. I couldn't help myself but join him until we both got to the point of belly laughter, attempting to take deep breaths.

I still found myself wrapped in Loki's arms once we had calmed down but I didn't want to make the effort climbing off of him, so instead I rested my head on his chest and listened to his heart beat slowly alleviating.

Loki began to gently swirl snow around his fingers to get my attention. Once he had successfully done so, he started picking up more and more until forming a snowman no more than 5 feet away from the two; black beads set out its complexion and two perfectly irregular branches stuck out of its sides. It was topped off with a green and gold bobble hat and scarf and the handle and pommel of an intricate engraved dagger was in place of its nose, adding a Loki twist. An amused smile painted itself on my face and I let out a breath of amazement. This man, I was sure, could do anything.


Thor looked on from inside the compound, smiling broadly at his brother's obvious happiness. The toothy grin planted on his face and the twinkle in his eyes as he looked at the girl he had only recently befriended. He had found what he unknowingly deserved and what Thor had been longing for him to obtain, for a tedious amount of time.


My fingers threaded through his raven black hair when the god spoke up.

An expectant silence filled the air until he finally let out the words he had been perpetually holding in; "I've mightily fallen for you"

The first one !! I hope you liked it


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