The Gift (2)

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*beep beep*

Oh! It's done! I ran over to the dryer, tripping on the way. I flung open the small door, peaking inside.

There layed my friends hoodie. I decided I would wash it before wearing it.

I slipped it over my small head full of golden locks. It felt so safe, so warm, so nice. I spin around in it like a little girl would in a dress. I ran back to my room quietly, grabbing a hair tie. I pulled my locks into a quick messy bun, then took off my leggings and put on shorts.

I flew down the stairs and went outside. It was about 70 degrees, but I don't care. I walked to my local corner store to get some new off brand headphones.

I still miss my friend to this day. I really hope that I'll get to see them again. They were so nice to me and sweet. He was the prince that saved me from the poisoned apple. He was the one.


"Hey y/n! You wanna go to the park!?"

We were now in 3rd grade.


"Great! Let's go!"

He grabbed my arm, dragging me to the playground we went to so long ago. I loved it there. Just like I loved hi-

It had been hours with just us playing around, chatting, and even having a mini picnic. I loved spending time with him and his dirt brown locks. I loved his green orbs and-

"Y/ moving"

~end of flashback~

I'll never forget them. I was in the convince store, grabbing some galaxy headphones. I felt like letting the tears spill from my blue orbs, but I was in public, so I couldn't.

I got back home, trying to not wake up my mom. The house reeked of alcohol for the 3rd time this week. I really hope that soon I can get out of this hell hole. My mom was waking up. I can't let her know I was out! I rushed upstairs, closing and locking my door.

I'll just have to skip dinner I guess.


The Bad Boy {Satire} Bad boy x y/nWhere stories live. Discover now