Ok Fine

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I've never written smut in my life BUT i got oddly interested in how people had sex one day and researched it INTENSELY so i think i'm more than qualified maybe.

Anyways here's y'all's Jake x Micheal thing you horny weirdos
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-Jakes POV-
Sitting on the couch and playing games is always so fulfilling. Anyway, I wonder where Micheal is?

-Micheals POV-
I'm currently at y/ns and she's trying to hold my hand. We're watching kitchen nightmares, so you can IMAGINE how romantic the atmosphere is.

But i kinda wanna...

"Micheal," y/n whispered, "What are you doing?"

I had moved my hand into hers, caressing it with my thumb.

"You want this too," I said, "don't you?"

"...take me Micheal"

[LMAO Y'ALL THOUGHT anyway this is by request]

-Third person POV-
Micheal and y/n quickly undressed, excited to see where this would go. Micheal grabbed y/n by the waist and picked her up, carrying her to the bedroom and throwing her down onto the bed. He started to fondle [ew] her breast, relishing in the sounds she made.

"ahhh" y/n moaned.

"I love those sounds you make." Micheal growled [furry pt.2 ;P]

He slowly came to a halt and started to drag his hands down to her waist. He gripped them hard, then, lifting one hand, started to stroke his cock.

"Are you ready?" Micheal whispered in her ear, his HOT breath sending a shiver down her spine.

"M-mhm" y/n stuttered.

He slowly slipped his manhood [lol] into her. It was hot and wet, forcing a low groan from Micheals throat.

"Oh...oh my god y/n." Micheal sputtered.

He started to push in and out, his pace rapidly increasing. The heat radiated from they bodies as the sounds of slapping and gushing [im uncomfy] filled the room. Moans and groans bounced off the walls, mostly coming from y/n, but Micheal admitting some himself as well.

"Oh my god oh my GOD OH MY GOD," y/n said, as she started to climax.

Micheal let out a low groan as he released, y/n finishing right after.

"Micheal..." y/n asked, "how will Jake feel?"

Micheal thought for a moment. He pulled out and laid next to y/n, taking her small frame into his arms.

"Honestly, who cares?"
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[THIS NEVER ACTUALLY HAPPENED. I just felt a little silly and little goofy and told bookie about the comments i was getting. Idc how badly written this is cause i didn't try, hence it being so damn short. Anyway, might write that Jake x Micheal thing]

The Bad Boy {Satire} Bad boy x y/nWhere stories live. Discover now