The Party

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It's so crowded here honestly. The air is stuffy and it reeks of alcohol. I mean, we're in high school what did I expect-
Who bought the alcohol?

I'm shorter than everyone here. Unlike other girls I'm wearing high tops and not heels. I'm just so different y'know?

I walked over to the drink stand where I saw Jake! It's finally my chance to impress him! I started to go over there when I suddenly got dragged down. What's happening? Who's touching me? I don't know anyone at this party cause I'm just a little cute bullied girl.

I whip my head around to see Micheal? Why is he trying to talk to me? He's wearing the same thing he was when I first met him.
[No he didn't wash his clothes. Kids, don't be a Micheal please.]

"Wow, I didn't know you'd be here. Why didn't you tell me?"

I nervously look down at the ground. "I-i-i-i-i didn't t-t-think you'd be h-h-here..." I said truthfully, voice slightly above a whisper.

"You really need to speak up bro. Anyways me and the boys are hanging out on the couch. Come on, I need to show them I have a chick."

He grabbed my wrist and dragged me to the living room. Some guys we're on the table, shirts off, saying stupid stuff. Another pair of guys were making out, but claimed they weren't gay cause they said "no homo." Some dude was yelling that's not how it works. Oh, they're wrestling now. The dude still on the sofa was now looking at me in a way that made it look like he was annoyed maybe?

"Bro, this is the girl you were talking about? She's weird." He snarled.

I ran after that. I couldn't handle an insult from a dude who was obviously stuck in the 1920s. I ran upstairs to the bathroom. When I opened the door, I saw my bullies. Shit shit shit I gotta go-

"Hey!" One of them shouted. "Your gonna regret talking to Jake." She said. She walked away with her minions mindlessly following her.

Before they could get far, one of the minions, a red haired girl, came up and pushed me. I slowly got up and walked downstairs. I was crying on my way there and accidentally slipped and fell. I was caught by none other than Jake.

"Are you ok?" He asked in his low, soft voice. [Bro how do you describe voices-]

"Y-y-eah" I said. This was so embarrassing. I just fell in front of my crush. And the other dude, uh, what was his name? It doesn't matter, was watching too! He looks...pissed? Why would he-

"Come on." Jake said." I'll take you up to my room for a change of clothes.

He picked me up and took me to his room. Wow, it smelled like bleach.
[Did you know that semen can smell like bleach and sometimes sugar? Well if you didn't, you do now.]

"Sit down, I'm gonna go get a shirt." He said in an annoyed tone. Wow, his room is cool. It contains a queen sized bed with all white covers, the uppermost cover being fluffy. The floor is a tan-ish color and is carpet. A desk that is black has school supplies scattered all over it and a chair sits next to it with a pile of clothes on it. A bathroom is connected to the bedroom, which I haven't gone into yet.

"Hey, stop looking weird and put this on." Jake said, suddenly interrupting my thoughts. Guess I'll get to go into the bathroom then. I took the clothes hesitantly and went to go change. The bathroom was normal. White sink and white tiled floor with a black rug next to the shower. A toilet sat next to the sink and that was about it. I changed quickly and walked back out wearing a gray shirt that was way too big for me and some black shorts. Wow, I'm in his clothes. They smell so-

"Do you just thought you could take her away from me? Huh?" Someone said.

I whipped my head around to see Micheal? What was he taking about?

"You know you never stood a chance anyways. Why are you mad huh?" Jake said in a teasing manner.

Micheal and Jake started arguing. I couldn't tell what was being said. Micheal was having a sassy body language and Jake was tense. Then, they got closer and they were about to fight! I rushed over in between them.

I snapped my fingers in Jake's face. "Jake, Jake look at me. Looks at me Jake. This isn't you. This isn't you Jake. Stop it." I wrapped my arms around Jake quickly. He calmed down and muttered an apology to Micheal. Micheal, still slightly pissed, just walked away. [I wish I could just instead say "plot twist, Jake and Micheal are in love and they made out!" But that would be going off track and a different story. It would leave y/n heart broken tho and that's always funny.]

I was now walking home with Jake. We were holding hands. It was amazing really. He suddenly stopped. Oh, we were here.

"I had a great time with you, y/n." He said despite spending basically no time with me at the party.

"I had a great time too..." I said quietly, surprisingly not stuttering.

He leaned down, like DOWN down, and pecked my lips. [Fucking furry.] My checks flushed as I watched him walk away. I just had my first kiss, and it was with the boy I love.

[Nothing wrong with furries. It's just why are they, they being y/n and all the dudes in the story, acting like animals? Your high school students bro. Anyways I'm failing science and I'm thinking of writing a stupid smut scene that makes everyone laugh or cry bcs of how bad it is. Should I? I probably should.]

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