Alternative Ending

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So i just remembered this story lol. The following scene takes place at the party in Jakes bedroom. Anyways enjoy!
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Micheal and Jake started arguing. I couldn't tell what was being said.
Micheal was having a sassy body language and Jake was tense. Then, they got closer and they were about to fight! I rushed over and tried to stop them when...

"Shut the fuck up!" Micheal shouted.
Jake smiled. "Make me."

Just like that, Micheal pulled Jake down and started to make out with him right in front of me! Micheals arms were around Jakes neck and was dragging him down because of his height. At this moment, my heart stopped. How could he? He's supposed to be with me? They slowly broke apart and started laughing.

All i could think to say was, "What the fuck?!"
"Huh? Oh yeah, you're here." Micheal said, smile wavering. He unwrapped his arms from Jakes neck and walked over to me with a kind face. "Sorry to break it to you, but I kinda like Jake. Pretty shitty for me to admit, but i sorta became your friend as an excuse to talk to him. You're a good girl though! I just wouldn't date you. Ever."

I'm...shocked to say the least. Jake soon spoke up, "'re a good person y/n. I did like you too! I just lost feelings and fell for Micheal instead."

I just lost both of my love interest in a single night huh? Tears started to form in my orbs and i ran away. I ran down the stairs, through the crowd, and outside the house. I ran and ran until i got home. How would i face them later?

-Micheals POV-
Oh wow she's fast. She should run track with that speed.
"So..." i started, "What now?"
Jake looked down at me. "What do you mean by that?"
"I mean we told her so..."
"Well I would like another kiss if your down for that?"
"Ha! You're horrible at flirting."
"You're worse."
Then he pulled me into a hug, bent down, and kissed me again.

~A few years later~
-Jakes POV-
Walking back to my apartment, I ran into some short girl. She had super long hair and i'm pretty sure she was actually a little kid. That was until she looked up at me.

"y/n?! It's been forever dude."
She looked up with those (creepy) blue eyes. "Y-Y-yeah.. i g-guess s-s-so..."

I took her into a nearby coffee spot i knew and we chatted for a bit. Her stuttering problems still really prominent (and annoying), but she really is the same person. She's studying cosmetics and fashion design which is pretty cool. I looked down at my phone after a while to see that it's about 6:53pm.

"Oh shit, i've gotta go. Here!" I said, quickly writing down my number. "Bye, see you later."

I was out of the café before she could stutter a response. Micheals gonna kill me. Did I mention me and Micheal are dating? We have been since high school and it's been going well. Speaking of going well, it's not about to if I don't hurry up. I knocked on our apartment door.

"Where the hell have you been?" Micheal questioned. Damn i can't even get a hi?

"Hello to you too." I said. Micheal just sighed.

"Yeah whatever."

After i settled down, we pretty much just cuddled all night. Watching movies, cooking dinner, playing games, we did it all.

"Hey Micheal?"
"I love you."
"Love you too, but you lost."
I looked back at the screen and my character was doing their death animation. I just laughed a little, kissing Micheal on his head.
_ _ _ _ _

-Micheal and Jake got married and lived a normal, child free life
-y/n got therapy and is doing better now. She's currently single
-y/n and the boys hang out sometimes and are on better terms
-Jake became lawyer, Micheal a pediatrician, y/n a co-designer at a small company

The (alternative) end :)

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