Chapter 10: Mom's Throwback

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Lena Frost

I woke up in an unfamiliar bedroom. I looked around. I saw my phone in a coffee table near the bed. I got and saw no texts nor calls. What happened?

The door opened.

"Lena! You're awake!" It was Jo, he was smiling.

"What happened? I swear I had the weirdest dream last night---- "

He hugged me.

"I was worried. Baby I was worried."

I hugged him back. The next thing I was crying for no reason.

"Lena, can you tell me about your dream?." He asked. So I told him about my dream:

I was drowning and got in deeply in the pool. I heard someone calling my name. I even met weird stuff under. I saw my mom so I followed her under and deeper. I didn't care if I can't get any more air. I followed her.

"Mommy!" I called out to her. No response. It's not even possible to run underwater but I ran. I followed her. I saw her crying.

"Jack, I love you. But why?" Mom was sobbing hard. We were underwater but I can hear her and I can see her tears flowing.

"Mom?" She looked at me.


A vision, I saw a vision. Dad marrying "the bitch"

"Jack! I love you, please don't do this don't!!!! I love you. Don't marry her. I thought you loved me? I thought we will be forever. I thought we were happy? That I'm the only one. Jack"

Mom. Dad's a jerk. It's the truth.
a part of my conciousness was telling me.

As I looked upon mom's eyes. It's like I was in her refreshing memories. There I saw her younger and dad younger too. Even my grandparents. Then another flashback showing mom at school.

"Ouch!" Elsa said.

"Watch where your going! Can't you even see the way you're going with those glasses? Tss..." Jack taunted Elsa.

"So-rry" Elsa answered.

At the pool.


Elsa gasped for air. Jack was staring at her and laughed at her. Elsa was crying.

"Why do you hate me, why are you doing this to me?"

"Isn't obvious. Dream on. I'll never like you."
Jack walked away. He left her sobbing in th middle of the pool.

The flashback went to the younger Elsa and her parents with the younger Jack with his parents.

"We're here to announce your engage---"

Mr. Frost said

"Dad, I'm not interested. Why on earth would I marry that---thing" Jack pointed Elsa.
She kept quiet and looked down.

They stayed together for how many years. Jack mistreated Elsa.


Sham Vandy, Jack's ex girlfriend was here. On the wedding.
As the wedding was finished. Their honeymoon was useless. Jack let Elsa sleep outside the beach house. But the next morning he kissed Elsa pasionately.

"Elsa, babe. I'm sorry for everything. I'm sorry for treating you bad. I was so afraid. So damn afraid"

Jo hugged me tightly as I was crying. Is that a message from mom? Is that what happened? I need more.

"So, breakfast?" Jo asked me. We are here on their kitchen. I think I remember this place. I think this place was part of my childhood.

You see, I don't remember a thing from my childhood. Never. Really. Don't know why though.

"Don't worry, Den's not arround, he's with Lisa." He looked at me as he was putting some bacon and eggs plus fried rice on a plate.

"Here. Eat some" he told me. I ate breakfast with him

everything my mom showed me. It seemed like a de javu.

It happened to mom once. So does that mean it can happen to me too?

History repeats itself. Yes I believe that tought maybe. Mom told me that I was in an accident  when I was I kid. I was with mom when we tp the doctor. I was 8 then. We went to a specialist. I have scar on my back. Down to my spine.  I never knew what it was. Who did it. Why it happened.

"Baby, you okay?" Jo asked me. Here it goes. Some answers. Infos I need. Dr. Alexander.
Den's mother. Well technically Jo's mother too because they're brothers.

"Come in" I heard someone say. A young adult in 20's opened the door for us.

"Thank you Ms. Alonzo" I looked at Jo.

"She's my mom's secretary." He said. It seems that he read my mind.

We entered a room. A closed one. Here it goes. I'm gonna need it.

"Lena... come. Jo can't enter though haha.I am Anna Alexander, Jo's aunt. I used to work with their mom but, you know what happened

"Your mom, she's lovely and pretty. Behund those glasses shine those striking blue eyes.

"I see you have a scar at your back. Do you what happened?"

I don't. I seriously don't.

"You don't right? Hmmmmm. You were hypnotized to forget your childhood memories."

"So I wasn't in a car accident?" I was shocked.

"No. It was kept from you for a reason. You didn't experience a good childhood. You had bad memories. That scar. It was caused by your childhood friend."

Tears escaped fron my eyes. No. It is impossible.

"Do you experience nightmares?"

"Yes. I do. What does that have to do with my experiences?" I answered.


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