Chapter 12: Meet-Up

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Lena Frost

Today's the day.

Jack wanted me to get ready. Dress-up. Fix myself and meet a family friend. Don't have any idea about who or what but I'm sure they would be friendly right? Unlike the Vandy's right over there who are bitchy. Anywho's I'm walking right now to my Biology class. I look around for Jo. He's my only friend right now. strangely, I see people staring at me digustively. Oh what's new anyway?

"Is she the girl?"

"Of course! We saw the incident last time remember?"

"What a bitch!?"

"She's ugly!"

"The nerve to flirt with our prince! He hates him?!"

"And now she's with Jo!?"

Oh, this is about the Alexander brothers. I saw the bulletin board today and guess what?

Nerdy Nun Flirts With The Alexanders
With a pic of me and Den, Jo and I.

Wow that's a good headline. Who could have done this mess?
Lisa Vandy.
A thought that popped out of my mind. Well would the "the Alexanders" do such a thing? I just shook my head and looked down. I just went straight to my class. Jo, where are you?

Despite the hateful glares staring at me. I just walked straight. I didn't expect this to happen! I decided to text Jo, I went to the restroom but when I entered the cubicle a bucket of water splashed upon me. Oh yay! I'm wet! What are the odds! I don't have my PE uniform for Pete's sake. I sadly walked away.

"Lena what happened?" I saw Jo.

I forced a smile. God, he sure looks hot in his ruffled hair, sweat dripping, basketball uniform. I so wish it was you Jo, but it has been always Den. I sighed through that thought.

"Baby, tell me what happened. your dripping wet!"

"I... nothing, I'm fine Jo."

"Fine? You always say you're fine but you always come home crying! You hurt yourself! You're weak Lena! Accept it! " I was taken aback by what he said. Den and him are sure brothers. He's right, I am weak.

"Yeah, you're right Jo, I'm weak." I said almost in a whisper.

"Ha-ha. You're right. See?" I pointing my eye. Tears coming out.

"Lena, shoot! I'm sorry I-I didn't mean to. My point is YOU NEED SOMEONE. You can't just go with your problem all by yourself." Jo said.

"Its okay Jo. Its not your fault that I'm weak." I ran outside.

This is me. The girl who runs away. The girl who always cry and right now, I need peace.

I sat down by the park. I heard my phone ringing and grabbed it inside my pocket. I saw the Caller's ID. Its DAD. I forgot to change it last night.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Lena, get dressed alright. The chauffer will pick you up in less than 3 hrs. And darling, please, wear something nice." He pleaded.

I ended the call not answering him yes.

Shopping? Bah! Booooorrriiiing!

With 2 hours roaming around. I settled with a elegant black long gown with a touch of pink on its lower back portion. I payed for it and went to the salon.

"What can I do for you madame?" The guy asked me. Well, gay.

"I want to look perfect. Something that's appropriate for my dress?" I showed him the dress.

"Ah! Leave it to me." He smiled.

After an hour of fixing me and all.

"Now, look at my masterpiece! Voila!"

I was taken aback by my new look. Wow. I look awesome! I texted the family driver to pick me up here in the salon.

"I'm looking for Lena Frost?" He said.

"I'm here!" I waved and smiled at him.

"Shut up imposter!" He told me.

"Maybe you overdid it." I whispered to the guy who did my make-up. So I stood up and cleaned my face. He just did a simple one.

"Thanks Ricardo!" I kissed his cheek

"Its Rica ma'am, I'm glad you liked it." He smiled.

"Let's go now Mr. Johnson" He ushered me to the car .

"Ma'am I had a weird encounter with an imposter. She said she was you then she--" I cut him off

"That was me silly" I chukled.

He looked at me confused.

We arrived in one of our hotels. And I was assisted to a VIP dining room. I looked around and saw two familiar faces walking. Jo and Den.

What're they doing here? I asked myself. Maybe they have a family dinner. I thought.

I went to the washroom to check myself out. Okay, I look good now. I walked again to the room, it was quite far. The washroom near it was locked so I had to go downstairs.

I looked on my phone and saw that I was running late. I ran up the grand staircase and tripped over. Good thing I was holding the rail. Suddenly I realized that gee my heel snapped.

I had to asked for another set of heels. Good thing that I had an extra on the car so I have to call Mr. Johnson. He's with your Dad. My mind whispered. So I still have to go upstairs. I was welcomed by Mr. Johnson.

"Lena! Your father is looking for you!"

"I snapped my heel, can you get my extra set in the car?" I pleaded

After 20 minutes of waiting I rushed in slipping my sandal.

"Sorry I'm late!" I shrieked.

"There's my daughter! Lena Frost." Jack introduced.

I saw Sham Vandy raise an eyebrow. I looked to the opposite side of the dining table and gasped as I saw Den and Jo across. Jo looked at me worried and well Den is Den.

I sat beside my wicked soon-to-be stepmother.

Mr. Alexander spoke up.

"Nice to finally meet my future daughter" he laughed

I looked at them confused.

"Daughter? Are we here because you're putting me on a adoption?" I asked innocently.

Den tsked. And whispered. How stupid.

"No dear, we're to discuss your engagement with my son Den."

"WHAT!?" we both said.

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