Chapter 7.2: The Necklace

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Lena Frost

A necklace. How sweet.

"Thanks Jo. It's really great" I smiled at him reassuring I was fine.

"My mom gave me that necklace"

"Wow. It's beautiful

"Do you like ice cream?"

"Of course. It calms me down whenever I feel low. Well, I always do feel low."

shock was written in his face. His jaw dropped then 5 seconds later, he smiled.

I was sitting on the bench when a guy sat beside me.

"Hey miss. I'm Jay, can I get your number?"

Lena, he's cute but Don't Talk To Strangers

"Sorry, I don't know you"

"Well, giving me your number makes me know you more. So, wanna come with me?"



"No. I. Am. Not. Coming. With. You."

"Tsk! You're not even beautiful! And I don't take no for an answer."

"Aaaah! Let me go!" He held my arm and pulled me.

"It hurts! Let me go. Please!" I sqeaked. I was sobbing.

He took me into a dark alley. He pinned me to the wall and kissed me. He forced my mouth to open. His tounge was liking my inner mouth and his hands held against me. I tried to manage to get off his grip but I can't. I was crying.

"Let her go!" That voice. It's familiar.

Jay looked at the guy who shouted. It was Jo. I was kinda expecting that it was Den.
Oh Lena! Get a life! He hates you stupid!

A part of my mind reminded me.

Jo ran into Jay and tackled him to the ground. Jo was bruised and was pushed to the ground. Some of Jay's companions came and beat Jo more.

"Stop hurting him please..." I can't do anything because some of Jay's friends were holding me.

"Stop it please!" It was raining and they won't stop.

They let me go and I saw Jay almost beat Jo with a rod. I ran and covered him.


Police officers came as they heard me. I fell to the ground. The last thing I knew was that some people brought us to the ambulance.


2 days. It's been 2 days since the incident. I'm here at school with Jo. He's hand was fractured.

"Jo. How did you know that I was in that alley?"


"Really huh?"

I can't believe this guy!

"Lena, let's just attend homeroom"


Lunch break. I'm all alone. 'Course, who wants to sit with an unpopular nerd. I sat at the same spot in the cafeteria. I saw Den and Lisa. Ouch! When can I even talk with him? I was eating then Lisa and her girls came near me.

"Hey nun!"

I looked at her. Oh Lisa. Please leave me.

"What's that shiny thing on your neck"

"It's obviously a necklace" I answered back. And then the crowd went Ow!

"No one talks to me like that!" Lisa backfired.

"Well I just did." I said.

"You did just not ugh!" She got Vanny's pie and put it in my face. Vanny was also one of the nerds. She too pulled my necklace.

"Who gave this to you, your boyfriend?"

I saw Den looking at the necklace. His look was like I know that thing.

Tears were falling down my eyes. I bit my lower lip. I saw Jo stand up and shouted at Lisa.


"Shut up Mark!" Lisa replied

"Jo don't talk to Lisa like that!" Den shouted at Jo.

"Why are you even siding with her! Lisa, give Lena back her necklace. I gave that to her."

"You gave her mom's necklace!!!!!" Den shouted at Jo.

"Why do you care! Your even the reason why mom's dead, and why Lena's mom is too!"

Wait... they're brothers?

I ran outside. I heard Jo calling me but I didn't look back. Instead, I ran away.


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