Chapter 23: Accident

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Lena Frost

Sham Vandy?

"How did you know dad?" I asked my father

He looked at me. His eyes darkened. He's mad. He's angry.

He told me the story. I hugged him and we both mourned for my mother.


Days have passed and Sham was arrested. Some were shocked to know about the news. People start noticing and appreciating me. They felt sorry for my loss, they felt sorry for Den and everything changed. They started hating Lisa.

It was like a Cinderella story. I was a damsel in distress. A princess trapped in a dragon's castle.

Jo and I were still talking. He accepted the fact that we can never be more than friends. He said that he was starting to move on and he was starting to have a crush on the girl he hated more than life. He said he wanted to pursue her and be with her. I laughed at him. Boys are cute when they are in love.

Jo and I were in the school garden talking when Den came.

"Hey babe." he said as he kissed me on my forehead and sat down beside me.

"So what will we wear for tomorrow?" Jo asked.

We will attend our company's event party which will be an Enchanted Ball. It was a celebration for the company's sales report. Our sales were better now that Sham was out of managing it. Yes. My father was threatened to make Sham as the acting CEO as my mother had passed away.

"We're heading to the mall tomorrow for the ball Jo, do you want to come with us?" Den asked

"Yeah sure, but who's driving?" Jo said

"Mr. Johnson of course. Den fai--- umphhh---" Den immediatly covered my mouth. Guess he was embarassed about failing his driver's test.


Before heading to the mall, I decided to visit my mother's graveyard.

"Hey mom, it's me Lena. I really missed you. I wish you were here. Things are getting better now. Sham was arrested. I felt sorry for Lisa though. I love you mom. Thanks for being there for me."

Our mothers were in the same cemetery, Den and Jo also decided to visit their mom.

"Hey mom, it's me Den. I missed you mom. I'm sorry for being such a bad kid. I love you."

"Hey mom, it's me Jo. So, I know you wanted me to find a girl. And I think I've found her."

We all headed home.


I was surprised when I saw Lisa standing infront of our condo unit. Her eyes were bloodshot. Her hair was a mess. Her short dress was a little bit torn up.

"Lisa?" I said.

"You!" She pointed at me.

"It's your fault why my mom got arreated! It's your fault why I'm broke! It's your fault why Den couldn't love me!" She screamed.

"Look, Lisa I'm sorry but I don't think it's my fault. Your mom killed my mother. "

"Yeah, it's because she's a bitch." She snickered

"Look I appreciate you coming here, but you shouldn't blame others fpr what has happened to you. Each one of us has our own fates and decision."

She was still mad. Her face was red red. even redder than tomato.

I was shocked as she jumped on me. We fell on the ground. She was on top of me and she was pulling my hair. Scratching my face and arms.

"Lisa stop it please!"

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