Chapter 22: Dad

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Lena Frost
after 4 weeks....

All are in good terms between me and Den and I am so happy.

I looked at him. He looks cute and peaceful asleep. I keep blowing his hair that covers his forehead.

I was touching his face, pinching his cheeks and poking his cheeks.





"What are you doin' love?" he said in his groggy sleepy voice GOSH THAT IS SO SEXY!!!

"Uhm... hihihi" I chuckled nervously

"Are you still terrified of me?" He said holding my cheek.

"I'm just nervous."

"About what?"

"My father. Our relationship. The Vandy's"

"Don't be, I love you and no one will change that." He kissed my forehead.

My father has been trying to rekindle our relationship. He has been calling me for the past few weeks. He has also been sending me voice mails and e-mails.

"Let's take the day off shall we?"

"We've been skippin our classes for how many days now," I pointed out.

"But I wanna spend this day with you."

"Okay, let's go in after lunch."

We were snuggling and laughing when Den's phone was ringing. We ignored it but it was getting annoying every second it was ringing and ringing.

"I think you should answer that," I whispered.

"Fine." He groaned.

Instead of answering it, he turned off his phone after seeing who the caller ID was.

"Who is it?"


"Can we just take a shower and go to school?" I softly said.

He smiled and kissed my forehead.

"You always help me get through everything."


I was in the locker roomfixing my PE uniform.

"YOU!" Lisa snarled at me


"Yes you bitch! You're the reason why Den and I broke up!!!"

"I'm sorry? But Den and I are together for weeks now."

"Den was just with you because of your ARRANGED MARRIAGE!"

Everyone gasped and stared at us.

fuck you Lisa

Lisa was fuming mad. I was shocked when she grabbed my hair. She was so strong that she pulled me until we went outside the hall. She was fast too.

"Lisa fcking Vandy! Let go of her!" I heard a familiar voice

"Shut up! I'm just teaching this lass with a lesson!"

I saw Jo pulling Lisa out.

"let me go!" She was struggling and trying to escape. She fell on the floor and was crying hysterically. So even Den's friends helped in holding her.

"You're such a crazy bitch!"

I didn't know what happened next. All I know was he was hugging me and I was crying.

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