Midnight Coffee

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Izuku and Nana were at home, getting ready for the day. Time to earn money. Izuku worked at a bar in the city's shady areas. It was a steady flow of money and not too risky. No one hurts the bartender.

Nana is a stripper in the same bar.

Nana: Author wtf

Me: My fucking book bitch

Nana: My fucking body

Me: Prostitute then

Nana: I'd rather die

Me: Barista?

Nana: that works

Me: okay then

Nana: one more. Why a bar? Like seriously?"

Me: ugh... Fine...

Izuku and Nana were at home, getting ready for the day. Time to earn money. Izuku and Nana both worked at a coffee shop that offers late-night services for customers with nocturnal quirks and for the common night owls. Cafe de Luna.

Me: happy?

Nana: indubitably

"Ready?" Izuku asked, buttoning up his shirt and overlaying it with an All Might memorial sweater. "Mhm." She hummed slinging a bag around her shoulders. The two dead heroes exited their home and walked into the city at midnight. The streets weren't as populated but now and again they'll come upon someone. Izuku wore a face mask to hide his freckles just in case and Nana had covered her mole with a band-aid.

They entered Cafe de Luna to see their boss was wiping tables. She had light grey hair and a fair face along with a standard build 35-year-old body. "Hey, Boss." Izuku greeted. "Hiashi, Inko. How are my two favourite night birds?" She asked cocking her hips playfully. "Like I need to get laid, Iguri-san." Nana sighed much to Izuku's disgust and Iguri Gabami's entertainment. "I see your brother is keeping all the boys away," She teased. "You have no idea."

Izuku rolled his eyes. "Anyway, Hiashi-kun, we got a shipment. Mind unpacking while Inko-chan and I serve?" Asked the owner. "Sure." The 17-year-old boy disappeared to the backroom. Iguri slithered over to Nana. "So. I was meaning to ask. Is he single or interested in older women?" She asked lustfully. "Don't even try it."

"Is he gay?"


"Heartbroken!? Oh, poor thing. What happened?"

"Let's just say Hiashi and I are... complicated. We have a lot of things to deal with. He didn't want to drag her into it." Iguri sighed. "That's quite admirable... Wait, you aren't criminals, right?" She asked sceptically. Nana leaned in and whispered, "No. But we are involved in some... nefarious activity. It'd be a shame if you found out. We'd either have to recruit you or... Y'know." Nana's cold and callous voice vibrated off of Iguri's eardrum, sending shivers down her spine.

"Just kidding! We ran away from our parents, that's all!" She half truthed. With a sigh of relief, Iguri said, "If I had a heart attack, I'd take it out of your pay." She giggled. "Aww..."

Later on, while Izuku was working his shift at the counter, a somewhat familiar figure approached. It was a 6'9 girl with a fox mutation quirk that appeared. He remembered her. He saved her during the War and she also comforted him after he returned to UA.

 He saved her during the War and she also comforted him after he returned to UA

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She immediately stared at him, as if she too had recognized her old hero. The tall woman shook her head. She became skittish, pondering whether or not she should approach the seemingly familiar cashier. The cafe was empty due to it being close to 5:00, the end of the night shift. On this account, Izuku felt free to call out to her. "Ms, the coffee isn't that bad. I have some suggestions if you want." He spoke. Looking at him, the tall fox-like woman clutched at her chest. "S-sorry... This is my first time ordering coffee. The machine at my house broke." She squeaked innocently.

"Oh, sorry to hear. Don't be afraid to order. Everything tastes the same more or less.", He chuckled, thanking puberty for his deepened, harder to recognize the voice. It'd been almost 2 years so it helps as well. She reluctantly shambled to the counter, somewhat attracted to his warm persona. "So, college girl?" He asked, noticing her backpack. "Yes. Ukudaki's College For The Mutated." She answered with a whisper of shame.

UUM is a college that only accepts people with drastic mutations who otherwise wouldn't integrate well with a normal college. In some people's eyes, it's a freak house hence the shyness she exuded. "Wow..." Izuku hummed. She looked away with embarrassment. "I don't see anything too weird with your mutation. It's shame they put you there. Not saying that it's a bad place but you don't seem to belong there." He added.

"W-well, you see... You know how certain animals puff up their tails to look bigger. Well, I do the same but it affects my entire body. I've since gone through quirk gene therapy to remedy it but... It's impractical to leave UUM." She explained.

Izuku thoughts: Quirk Gene Therapy? She had to be rich or something. Meh, not important.

"Aw, too bad. Hey, I bet you're quite popular on campus." He assumed. "No, not really. I'm really just a loner. I don't have any friends if I'm being honest." She corrected sadly. Izuku cocked his head, "A cutey like you, a loner? That's wrong so many levels." He teased, earning a small squeaky giggle. "It's just how things work. I don't fit the standard." She said lightening up a bit.

"Well, I have one standard. Loyalty. Are you loyal?"

"As far as I know."

"Then, you have a friend. I'm Hiashi Tokito."

"Yuri Kishumu."

Words 1000

Posted 9/2/2021

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 03, 2021 ⏰

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