01 - people watching

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inspired by conan gray's song, people watching. 

from the couple's point of view. 


that wasnt funny, but she laughed so hard she almost cried. 

the tall brunette girl cackles at a joke the other brunette made. everyone near them shot her looks which she ignored. richard, or ricky, chuckled awkwardly. the joke wasnt even that funny.. like, at all. it was something he found on google. after a few minutes of unnecessary laughter, nini calmed down. she took a sip of her coffee before looking at the small group, which consisted of seb, gina, ricky, and her. "what?" she asked, confused. ricky grinned softly at her, "nothing." nini nodded, still oblivious to how idiotic she seemed to strangers passing by. 

he's making fun of how she acts around the holidays.

richard bowen laughed at his girlfried, nina salazar-roberts. "neens, get down! what are you doing?" he grinned up at her, watching her place a line of christmas lights along their roof. the girl looked down, gripping the lights tightly. she gave a small glare. "i'm getting ready for christmas!" ricky threw his hands up, confused. "but its october!" nini rolled her eyes with a shake of her head, "so? its never too early for christmas! like gravity falls; i wish there was a summer-eve, instead of halloween its christmas though, see what i did?" ricky chuckled at her, slapping his palm onto his forehead, which was full of tangled and messy curls that nini loved so much. 


she wears a ring, but they tell people that they're not engaged. 

ej walked up to his friend, nini. she shoved some books into her locker before spotting him, "oh! hello, ej. you scared me." she laughed, swiping some hair out of her face. thats when he noticed; a ring, it looked like an engagement ring. "NINA? are you getting married?" he gasped, slapping his face with his hand. the girl rolled her eyes, "no, idiot. its a promise ring." she showed him her hand, and the finger that held the ring. it read, "r + n <3." ej fake gagged, "ewwwww, a working relationship!" nini shook her head with a small laugh. "shut up, i hate you."


they met in class for metaphysical philosophy.

nina walked into her new class, a small smile on her face. she was ready to face the day! kind of. she didnt get any sleep last night, hence the small bags under her eyes. she huffed when she sat in her small chair and looked to her professor, who was passing out some papers about himself. then she heard a loud gasp from the door, turning her head she saw a tall boy. he was cute, for a late student... she glanced at her professor, who started speaking. "ah, richard bowen. so you're real. well, theres one last seat beside ms. nina salazar-roberts." he gestured towards the brunette girl, who was staring at richard. "thanks." he smiled lightly while walking to his seat, next to the pretty brunette girl. nini watched him for a while before realizing she looked creepy. she turned back to him when he spoke though, "hey, i'm richard. but you can call me ricky." he gave her a crooked grin, one that made butterflies erupt through her stomach. "i'm nina. i dont have a nickname." she laughed, and he laughed at the sound of hers. "well, everyone deserves a nickname. i'm gonna call you nini." he reached out for her hand, shaking it softly, "its nice to meet you, ricky." 

he tells his friends, "i like her cus she's so much smarter than me."

big red laughed at a joke ricky had made before a small smirk rose on his face. "hey, so why do you like new-girl-nini so much?" ricky's eyes widened, and a few small gasps left carlos, ej, and gina's mouths. ricky laughed nervously and scratched the back of his neck, unsure of how to answer, "uh, what?" red rolled his eyes, "dude, i see the way you look at her. its no secret that you like her, so why?" he put his game controller down and turned to ricky. "uh, i dunno.. i think its because she always beats me to answering our professor, or because she always get a higher grade than me..." gina nodded, "so you like her because she's smarter than you?" ricky nodded with a stupid grin, "yeah. i guess i do." 

they're having talks about their futures until four a.m.

ricky wrapped his arms around his petite girlfriend, nini. "what are you going to do when we're done with college?" ricky looked down at her, resting his chin on her head, which let him breathe in the comforting smell of vanilla and lavender. "what do you mean?" nini adjusted her posture, making his lift his head up to look at her. "like, what do you wanna be when we finish college? i want to be a singer or songwriter, or both!" ricky chuckled lovingly, watching her eyes light up while talking. "i'd like to be a singer. or a teacher, dont you think i'd be a good teacher?" nini nodded happily, "yes, you'd be an amazing teacher." she leaned in to peck his lips and after pulling away he pulled her into a bear hug. "but i'd love if you were my helper." he whispered into the crook of her neck. she blushed and smiled sheepishly, "i'm there with you every step on the way." 

i want to feel all the love and emotion, be that attached to the person i'm holding..  

word count: 952


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