temptation kills

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Sapnap grabbed his wallet off the kitchen counter as he yelled over his shoulder, "I'll be back soon don't even worry!"

His fiancé scurried around the corner, already wrapped up in a burrito of blankets. "I don't know babe, I just don't feel good about tonight... you know what's been going on around here."

Sapnap felt the other's soft hand wrap around his wrist. "Honey, I am going for less than ten things from the grocery store less than ten minutes away, I'll be fine." He turned around and gently kissed Karl's forehead. "You get scared when the news says anything. I am sure this guy would have no need for me anyway."

"I know, but it's just a gut feeling..."

Sapnap gave the man a tight hug, "you say that everytime I leave hun, less than thirty minutes there and back." his lips once again met the other's forehead.

"Are you sure we can't do this tomorrow?"

Sapnap released his hug on the other man and moved his hands to the other's shoulders. "The party is at ten and the store opens at nine. There is no way we are making and decorating the cake and getting to the party on time." Sapnap let go of Karl's shoulders, and turned to the door again, "Besides, you know that no one would even dare to mess with a big man like me."

He pulled his windbreaker off the coat rack, opening the door to allow himself through. He turned around as Karl spoke up again.

"Is there really nothing I can do to convince you not to go?"

Sapnap gave a small frown at the man. His fiancé stood in the entryway, still wrapped up in his blanket from bed. Sapnap's own pink hoodie covered Karl's torso. His feet were covered in fuzzy penguin socks and his fluffy hair fell loosely over his forehead. The grim face did not match the rest of the mood.

"If you worry too much you'll get wrinkles! Don't want to ruin that pretty face of yours."

Karl showed a glimpse of a smile.

"That's what I like to see. Start making some hot cocoa so I can get some in me when I get back." Sapnap pressed his lips softly against Karl's.

Sapnap finally put his windbreaker on and zipped it up. "Goodbye my bird of paradise." As Sapnap closed the door, he could see the pink tint creeping up his fiancé's cheeks.

As soon as he left the door he started at a steady pace. It was freezing out here. Every breath he let out sent small billows of white fog out of his parted lips. No doubt the coldest spring in Ohio so far.

The air was dry enough to feel as if it was actively sucking the moisture from your skin and no amount of lotion would help.

Sapnap passed under a flickering lamp post. It displayed his own shadow on the ground behind him. He giggled and did a few figures Karl had taught him with his hands.

He heard a cracking from behind the fence a few feet away and hurried along. It was less than a five minutes walk now, but he picked up his speed and was nearly jogging. Karl was right, tonight felt odd.

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