a slippery slope

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Sapnap spent a decent amount of time after his analysis of the plants just lazing around. His thoughts were racing, leaving him grasping at straws for what to do next. After he finally got out of his state of mind, he tended to the plants for a little while, watering the ones that needed it and pulling out weeds. His own humming filled the room as he did what he loved most.

Despite the past days that he had been stuck with the man had been a cluster of unwanted emotions, he was in his happy place right now. Eventually he finished his work on the plants and settled down again, finally deciding that he needed to work through his emotions whether or not he actually wanted to.

Immediately his mind traveled to Karl. They had been high school sweethearts and had gotten engaged and moved out together less than a month after they graduated. That's how it had been even since. But now Sapnap was 23 and Karl had just turned 24, and they had yet to even think about getting married. Well Sapnap had, but Karl on the other hand....

Karl had rejected an actual wedding for a while now. First he denied it because he hated crowds. So Sapnap had offered to get married with no wedding. Just the ceremony. That had been shot down too. Time after time Sapnap had asked, year after year, but no matter what he asked he always got a different version of no. The first year it was too early. The second Karl wanted to deal with getting a house first. The third time Sapnap asked, there was a new baby on Karl's side of the family and he didn't want to ruin the excitement for his sister. But the fourth time Sapnap asked, all he received was a pat on the head and a "you know why."

Sapnap had just learned that Karl didn't seem to want to settle down like that, and brushed it off, but deep in his heart it ached a bit.

He loved Karl. What he didn't love was the way he was treated sometimes. He was clingy and he wanted to be pampered at least a little. But Karl had fallen short on that aspect of their relationship. Eventually Sapnap had gotten tired of it all. Most of the time they just sat around in different rooms of the house doing their own things. But he did love Karl. Undoubtedly so.

Now he certainly did not love this guy that stole him. But he sure did love the way he was treated. Regardless of how hard he fought it every moment with the man was branded into his brain. He loved the attention, he loved the care, he loved the pampering, he loved the warmth. On a list of wants for Sapnap's dream guy, his captor ticked off every box and then and some. He couldn't help but feel as if maybe he hadn't been kidnapped, he probably would be head of heels for this guy.

Just the thought of him made Sapnap's cheeks grow uncomfortably warm. He wanted more of all that. And he knew that even if he escaped and went back home to Karl, he wouldn't get that.

He glanced to the side at the little button he had been provided for calling out to his captor. It felt wrong to actually want to see him, but he told himself he was just going to ask for food. After all, his stomach was beginning to growl. He reached over and timidly pressed the little button. Nothing seemed to happen, so he pressed it again with more force.

Just as he was about to press it again, the door opened and his captor stuck his head through the door. Sapnap very quickly realized why. Just from the crack in the door he could see that the other man was shirtless. His cheeks began to flame. And he was hardly about to sputter out a sound, let alone ask for food.

"Yes doll?"

Sapnap nearly passed out right that moment. His voice was deep and rumbly, clearly he had just woken up. "I just, I, well, I just wanted, wanted to, well, wanted some-"

The man chuckled as he pulled the rest of his body into the room. "What did you want darling?"

But Sapnap was too far gone. "I- uh want..."

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