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Dream paced around the airport lobby nervously. After the call he got from Sapnap, Dream had no time to wait to see if his execution of Vanessa went to plan.

He had gotten a ticket on the first flight he could back to his home. While the flight was only an hour away when he booked his seat, it was delayed.

Now Dream had been stuck in this airport for the past three hours, feeling helpless.

He had no family or friends in town that knew about his commitment to Sapnap, and calling the police would just lead to an investigation on how he was connected to a man that disappeared a month ago.

Dream looked up as a flight attendant cleared his throat right next to him. "I'm sorry am I in your way?"

"Nope, I am just going around to make sure that everyone is okay. Delayed flights are no fun so we are trying to help as much as we can."

Dream resisted the urge to make a snarky remark and instead gave a tight smile. "Very irritating, but I am all good. Thank you for asking." His eyes returned to his phone screen where he was currently trying to find all the IP addresses in his town.


He nearly rolled his eyes, this man was doing the least to help. "Yes?"

"I know this is a personal question and all, I was just wondering if you are single?"

Dream tensed up greatly. Technically he was single. But he certainly wasn't available. "Uh, yes I am but-"

"Oh great!" The man flushed a deep red. "Take this."

A piece of paper with the steward's number was shoved into his palm as the man scurried away.

Dream actually rolled his eyes this time. Maybe he just needed to start being rude to people he met in public. He shoved the paper in his pocket and went back to his phone.

Thirty minutes later, it was finally announced that the plane was boarding. He practically pushed his way to his seat and settled down. This would be the longest flight of his life.

Sapnap slowly opened his eyes to a dark room. He literally had no clue how he ended up here, all he knew was that everything hurt and his head was spinning. The fact that it was pitch black in the room did nothing to help his disorientation.


Someone laughed at him. "He's not here honey."

"Who the hell are you?"

The light came up full blast and shocked Sapnap into another bout of disorientation. "Do I really have to introduce myself again sweetheart."

Sapnap did not like being called that by this man. "Don't call me that!"

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