i love you until the end

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Sapnap stood with his jaw hanging at what he saw.


Sapnap turned around to look at the other man. Usually the man was confident to an extreme, but now he was downright sheepish.

He took another look at the animals that were sleeping in the middle of the room. He softly closed the door and looked the other man in the eye.

"Look, I know I didn't ask but I figur-"

"I FUCKING LOVE YOU", Sapnap jumped and wrapped his arms and legs around the other man.

Dream seemed to take a few seconds to comprehend what was happening, but once he did he began to chuckle. "I love you too doll."

Sapnap got down from his spot on the man's front with a huge grin, "What are their names? Breeds? Ages?" He had always loved animals, but since Karl considered them a waste of space, Sapnap instead chose to occasionally volunteer at the shelter to satisfy his yearning for a furry friend.

"A great pyrenes, and the cat we aren't too sure about, she used to be a stray and they hadn't done that kind of testing when I got her. They are both just over one year... and I was hoping you would want to name them sweetheart."

He was practically bubbling over with excitement. "The dog is Gladiolus... and the cat...." Sapnap took a second to recall the colors of the cat. "Patches."

Dream now matched his smile. "Good choices baby."

Sapnap pressed a big fat kiss on the other man's lips. "You are the best kidnapper ever!" He gave the man no opportunity to try and refute his statement to rush into the house to meet his new fur babies.

Three weeks later....

Sapnap wiped the sweat off his forehead and looked up. Dream stood shirtless just a few feet away from him, digging a hole in the ground with the help of Gladiolus. Patches sat just next to him, pawing at the bulbs of the plants he was planting.

Sapnap giggled before he did the best wolf whistle he could at his fiancé.

Dream instantly turned around and glared at him, but there was no real heat behind the look. "Take me on a date first!"

"We just bought a house together!"

Dream mumbled something about how he had bought a house, but when he got a flower bulb launched at the back of his head he shut up quickly. "Oh you're getting it now..."

Sapnap yelped and abandoned his flowering materials to evacuate the area. He rushed inside the home, slammed the door behind him and locked the deadbolt. By the time he was stepping away, the other man was already trying to get in.

He rushed up the stairs, a burst of adrenaline pumping through his veins. He heard the door open with a battle cry.

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