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It was so dark, so cold, so lifeless.

Sapnap could hardly get a few wheezing breaths in before he had to start running again.  Over and over. He didn't even know what exactly he was running from, or running to. Just that he was running, and he could not stop.

The gash in his stomach had been leaking blood since the moment he had gotten in this place. Sapnap soon figured out it was useless to hold pressure, either way he would stay alive, if only to keep on running.

For a while, George's apathetic tone with his caring words became his background music as his legs burned and he breathed in much needed oxygen. After hours it seemed he had run out of things to tell him, and his own personal voiceover had left him alone to keep running.

Dream's voice had broken through the haze, seemingly breaking him out of his endless run towards nothingness. Sapnap listened to Dream's words carefully and admired the way his voice brought joy to Sapnaps situation. 

It ached even more when the man's voice had drifted off, leaving him alone in his endless sprint.

He just wanted to get out of here. Wherever that was. If he had to run a thousand miles, so be it.

Dream pushed his way into his own house, trying his best to remain as calm as possible.

From childhood, he had been known for having a short fuse and an eagerness for violence. Through years of therapy, he had become the cool headed man he was known as today.

But at the current moment, all his training for times of high stress had gone flying out the window at a million miles an hour. He wanted to hurt someone, and he wanted them hurt badly. They deserved it for what they had put Sapnap through. 

He went through his house with anger writhing in his chest. Someone was dying today, and it was not Sapnap.

Dream hadn't even been paying attention to what he was grabbing, but when he stopped to look, he was pleasantly surprised. He went down into his basement and sat on Sapnap's bed, looking at where he should be.

"It was Shaun wasn't it?"

Of course he didn't get an answer. He could imagine Sapnap looking at him with a certain look.

"But that doesn't matter. Even if it wasn't him, I'll kill every person in this town to make sure you get the vengeance you deserve."

Dream leaned his head back and swallowed. He was bound to boil over in his anger any moment now, and that would lead to an impulsive decision and prison time.

Dream stood up from the bed and examined the wall of plants. He carefully watered all of them and pulled out weeds as needed. He just needed to take a minute.

"So I decided I would use a knife as well... not my favorite, but it'll help pin the murders together, you know?" He dropped the utensil on the dresser. "And even better, I can make him feel the same exact pain you did."

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