now we wait

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Dream exited the room and locked the door behind him, knowing he had a sadistic grin on his face.

After Sapnap had admitted to wanting revenge, Dream wasted no time getting information from him. Seeing as he knew very little about his ex fiancé's location,  he needed other resources.

He spent the next two days groveling with his buddy in the basement. Trying to get as much out of him as possible. He had to swear he would do no harm to either of them before he even got a peep about them.

But it didn't matter how long it took him to get the info, just that he had it. All that he needed to know was written on a single notecard.

George. Pale, dark hair, short. Works 9-5. Spends Saturday mornings at the library and goes shopping for groceries on Monday evening.

On the flip side were the notes of his other friend.

Quackity. Tanned, black hair, short. Works graveyard shift. Visits his grandmother at the elderly home every M,W,Th and goes to the dock every second Saturday.

While it may have been easier to find this Quackity fellow alone at night before work, that would lead to a harder catch. People are wary at night, and they don't like chatting when they have somewhere to be.

And so George it was.

He exited his front door with haste. Dream had ended up being lured in by Sapnap's puppy dog eyes to cuddle for "five more minutes" and ended up cuddling for nearly an hour. Even then he was practically pulling the other man off his body. Just the thought of it made him smile.

He shook his head. Now was not the time for lovey dovey thoughts.

Dream spent his trek to the library getting himself ready. All of his victims before Sapnap had been killed after he got bored of their screams, but after he made the decision to keep the man, he had gotten out of practice.

He had tried a couple weeks after he kidnapped Sapnap to find another victim. As soon as he used his usual antics of flirting such strong guilt had taken over him and he left the girl on the street corner with a fake phone number and a promise to keep in touch.

So it was safe to say that even if he and Sapnap were nothing official, he was wrapped around the other man's finger.

As he rounded the corner, the library came into view. A small concrete path surrounded a small fountain that had thousands of glittering coins at the bottom. Reflection the sunlight with every wave of the water.

He pulled his old library card out of his jean pocket and displayed it to the woman at the front door with a smile and a wink. Based on the way she blushed, he had not lost his gift for making people flustered.

After a set of sliding doors, he was finally inside the building. It was a bit cooler than he may have liked it, and smelled of books and coffee. He walked forward as confidently as he could and patrolled the area. Given that it was a local library, it was quite large. Each section had a table for study groups and a scanner so people could check out the books they needed.

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