Chapter 55

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:) hi :)

i'm just gonna drop this here


  "-And I was sure I failed the moment he knocked into me. Plus, I wasn't sure if I actually caught it or not because I couldn't feel it through the gloves. But I looked down and there it was, resting on my palm!" Juliette dropped her head back on her bag -which she was using as a pillow- eyes on the ceiling and a tired smile on her face. "And it felt amazing."

"Yeah, I know the feeling." Draco replied, watching her from his seat on the floor against the wall with stained mirrors.

Juliette turned her head towards him.

"I have you to thank for that. I could never have found it without your help."

"You would've found it eventually."

"Then why did you show it to me?"

"Just in case." Draco shrugged, smiling when Juliette laughed softly, emitting laziness.


"Besides, I was getting tired of watching you fly in circles." He added.

"You just won't be able to live with yourself if you don't say something snarky, will you?"

"Look at you, you figured me out."

Juliette playfully rolled her eyes at him.

Silence accompanied them for a peaceful moment. Crumpled paper bags that once contained egg mayonnaise sandwiches laid on the ground, forgotten. It was a shame they couldn't sneak roast beef or casserole into their hideout. Sandwiches had to do for the time being.

Juliette drummed her fingers on her belly thoughtfully, her eyes still on Draco. He had his Potions book open on his lap in hopes of studying for a bit, but he couldn't manage to read a full sentence ever since Juliette started talking about the tryouts.

"Zacharias could barely stand on his broom." She pointed out. Draco scoffed.

"What did you expect? I told you he wasn't that great, didn't I? He's brilliant at humiliating himself, though. I'll give him that."

"Right. It's almost like you knew he would fail." Juliette treaded carefully. She didn't want him to think that she believed Zacharias' accusations, even though she was... a little suspicious of him. She feared that what Zacharias said might be true.

Draco looked down at Juliette, ready to boast about his foresight before he noticed the seriousness on her face.

"Come on," He rolled his eyes at what she was implying. "Don't tell me you actually believe him."

"I didn't say that. I'm just... I-" She looked back at the ceiling with a sigh. "I don't want his accusation to be true."

"It's not, alright? He's nothing but a sore loser who flies like a fledgling."

Juliette sat up, hair strands escaping from her braid, and looked him in the eye. "Promise me you didn't meddle with his broom."

"It's great to see how much faith you have in me. Makes me tear up a bit."

"Draco." She insisted. "If you did something just tell me now and I won't be mad."

"I didn't do anything to his broom, okay? I promise."

Juliette looked at him carefully for a moment, trying to figure out if he was lying. His posture was relaxed, his voice calm and he never broke eye contact.

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