The Sorting

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This is my first fan fiction about Draco Malfoy. Just saying.

(Edit/12.05.2022. I can't stress enough how cringe I find the first couple chapters pls keep reading it gets better)

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  "Avery, Juliette!" Professor McGonagall's voice echoed through the magnificent Great Hall, which made the tiny girl standing in front of the line shudder.

Juliette drew a sharp breath and took a step forward to the stool standing beside McGonagall. The Sorting Hat was silently waiting for her. Everything except for the slightly battered hat was either blurry or nonexistent. She already knew which house she was going to be sorted into. All of her family members have been in Slytherin and Slytherin only for generations. Her father's been telling her stories about his days in Slytherin and how it was the best house he could ever ask for since her Hogwarts acceptance letter arrived. She was so sure that the hat would put her in Slytherin that she almost told McGonagall that there was no need to bother. Her parents had etched the thought in her mind, which almost caused the poor little girl to think that her blood was actually silver and green.

She kept her thoughts to herself and sat on the tall stool with a little struggle due to her short body. Her dark eyes vaguely skipped the other houses and settled on the table where numerous students with the serpent crest on their robes were sitting. They were all staring directly at her without blinking, ready to clap in case the hat shouted out their house name. She shook her head to get rid of the thought before closing her eyes. She didn't want to sit with them. She didn't want to be a Slytherin. Not because the rumor said every student that ever got sorted into Slytherin turned out to be a dark wizard -she didn't believe all of them were raised to be bad and evil, that was impossible- but because she knew she wouldn't fit in.

She wasn't ambitious, she wasn't cunning and she definitely didn't have any leadership skills. She once cried in front of a boy when she was seven because he said 'hi' to her.

McGonagall carefully put the Sorting Hat on Juliette's head. The old material roughly caressed her wavy hair. She was glad that the hat didn't come too big and cover her eyes, that would've been embarrassing enough to make her blush from head to toe. There was a brief silence before she heard an unfamiliar voice in her head.

"Hmm." It started off with a thoughtful sound. "An Avery. I see..." The hat kept humming to itself, hiding his thoughts from Juliette. She tried so hard to restrain herself and not to ask 'What? What is it?' . She only wished the hat could sort her quickly without any fuss so that she could start breathing again and stop digging her nails into the wooden stool. "Your family has been in Slytherin for generations, I remember each and every one of them. All determined and ambitious. Just like you." Juliette was noticeably trembling. She didn't agree with the hat's words and she didn't understand why it would think of her as an ambitious person, she was so closed up in her invisible shell that she'd never understand it. Her parents would be proud of her if she got sorted into Slytherin, they said so themselves, but she wasn't so sure if she would.

"But that's not what you want, is it?" Juliette felt like the hat was making fun of her with it's mysterious voice and the way it was beating around the bush in order to play with her mind.

"I don't— I'm not sure." She whispered. The process was taking too long and she felt way too uncomfortable under the other students' gaze. Everyone was watching her intently and expectantly.

"I see." Murmured the hat. "I can smell the cunningness on you, it's way too sharp. But you're also surprisingly loyal for an Avery, aren't you? And is that kindness that I see? Bravery perhaps?" Now it's just trying to confuse me, she thought. Her feet were unconsciously rocking against the stool's leg. The hat's words were no different than meaningless riddles to Juliette's ears.

Juliette squeezed the sides of the stool. "Not very patient though." The voice whispered in her head. She felt the heaviness disappear from her mind. Suddenly a welcoming relief surrounded her.

The hat looked up and shouted, "It is decided then. Hufflepuff!"

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I've been looking for a Draco and a female Hufflepuff fanfiction for a long time and I couldn't find any besides one shots. So I decided to write one myself. I hope you liked it!

- Juliette and Draco are in the same year.

I'm sorry if there were any mistakes English is not my first language. Feel free to correct them nICELY thanks

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