Chapter 50

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  After talking to Draco and convincing him to help her, Juliette headed for her first Defence Against the Dark Arts class with a relieved feeling. Anxiety was still lingering around, but the weight on her shoulders didn't feel as heavy now that she had someone to count on.

Entering the classroom, she quickly picked up the red coloured hoods and crests, realising she was sharing the class with Gryffindors. She couldn't help but immediately look for Neville. He was slowly becoming someone who Juliette could call a friend. Someone she didn't feel nervous to approach, to have a casual conversation with. Even though he made his new plant explode in her face.

Not seeing him around yet, she chose one of the middle row desks to sit by herself. They had a new teacher and Juliette didn't want to be in the front row because she might notice her quickly and ask her questions. If she sat in the far end of the room, the professor would notice her and realise she's been very quiet and ask her questions. New professor always tend to do that.

Students filled the room as lunch break came to an end. Juliette was still sitting alone because she had her bag occupy the seat next to her, saving it for Neville. Not that people were dying to be near her but, still.

Neville showed up a couple minutes later, walking into the room breathless. He was almost late. Juliette waved him over as he looked around for an empty seat. Noticing her between the other students, a barely noticeable smile appeared on his face as he tried to compose himself.

"Hi." He greeted and sat down beside Juliette.

"Hi. You look like you ran a mile." Juliette greeted back, placing her bag on the floor.

"Yeah, uh," Neville put his hands on the desk for support as he took in deep breaths. "I was at the Greenhouse, helping Professor Sprout with some baby Mandrakes. Apparently the second years aren't really successful at maintaining them this year. Anyway, I was wearing earbuds. I almost didn't hear the bell."

"Breathe between sentences, Neville." Juliette reminded him.

"Right. Speaking of Herbology," Neville turned to look at Juliette with an apologetic smile. "I'm sorry about what happened with Mindy."

Juliette frowned, searching her memory to remember who Mindy was.

"You know, my Mimbulus Mimbletonia. I named her Mindy." He quickly reminded her.

"Oh, right! Mindy!" She mentally slapped her forehead. "Don't worry about it. Just- Just be more careful when you introduce me to your plants next time."

Neville paused, looking at her with slight surprise in his eyes. The corner of his lips were raised slowly.

"Of course. I'll be careful next time."

Before they could talk more, the doors opened and the classroom immediately got quiet as the few standing students quickly took their seats.

Dolores Umbridge entered the room with a tight lipped smile on her face. Her hands were intertwined while she walked towards her desk. Her pink clothes, which were slowly becoming notorious, were helping her stand out between students.

"Welcome, children, to your first Defence Against the Dark Arts class." She started, standing right in front of her desk and facing the students. "I am Professor Umbridge, as you all know, and I will be preparing you for your Ordinary Wizarding Level examinations this year. Commonly known as O.W.L.s."

A chalkboard was writing down the key words that left her mouth on the board.

"If you study hard, you will be rewarded. Fail to do so, and the consequences may be severe." A short giggle came out and put a confused frown on her students' faces. Juliette couldn't help but feel slightly uncomfortable in her presence. There was a permanent smile on her face which contradicted with her last sentence.

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